Drying out Methods????


New Member
Im due to crop soon and was wondering what is the best method for drying out you buds, i usually hang each branch extra, then trim towards the end of the dry ( 4-7 days ).
Should i be introducing heat to aid the dry?, is there a temp to try and maintain?, should i keep my extraction filter on?
Need help.



Well-Known Member
Slowest is best maintain around 75f/25c and 30-50% Rh. depending on the size of your harvest many cfl noobies prefer to immediately trim and hang the stalked buds on a coat hanger in an airy closet, those with T5's or mid range HPS use a clothes dryer horse in a warm dim room others and me use a cave in the desert with good venting ...but yes trim immediately or you are in for a long tedious slog ...lol


Active Member
Try to dry your buds in no less that 5 days preferably a week. The slower they dry the better they will be.


Active Member
what some people do in dry weather is leave the whole plant intact with everything minus the pot and roots of course, and hang it to dry,this way it dries slower and the buds have time to burn up all the chlorophyll.


Well-Known Member
I am not an expert on the subject but I had good luck trimming all the fan leaves and larger bud leaves off just before before harvest, then at harvest take the opportunity to trim some more of the easier to get to leaves off (makes final trimming much easier). I hung them in my tent at about 66 degrees for 5-7 days at 45% humidity before the final trimming and jarring and had good results.


New Member
Thanks guys,
As i thought slight heat and check humidity.
Any more drying tips or methods are appreciated.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
I switch of my light when the grow is finished, and trim the buds, hang a little washing line in my original grow closet, put any extras on top of the light reflector ( see pic ) keeps temps around 60-70 and its usually dried in a couple of weeks at the most---after reading some of the info above I realize I should try and keep the humidity around 45-50 for best results



Well-Known Member
My buds hang in the grow after the plants are done with the in/out fans on 24/7. Takes me about 4-7 days to dry as well. Slow dry is best so don't
add any extra heat.

I was trimming my buds fresh but lately i've just been taking the fan leaves off and trimming the sugar leaves back before drying, then i keep manucuring while they dry.
I just got sick of sitting down for 7 hours at a time to trim weed. I don't like trimming untouched weed dry, it doesn't look as clean.


Well-Known Member
From my experience a longer dry is better with lots of better color,flavor, and smell. i pull all fan leaves of leave the little sugar leaves and hang em till they dry. cuts my trim time to cuz by the time bud is dry you just rub all the leaves right off


Well-Known Member
Try a couple diffrent ways and see witch 1 you like , youll get alot of answers you should def try my way out. at least 1 branch ,,. youll notic a big dif.