Drying in hot tropical climates

Evening all!

So seeing as this forum is pretty diverse with people all over the world in varying climates it would be interesting to hear peoples experiences on drying herb.

Im based in Thailand so the weather here is mostly hot and humid.
Outside temperatures stick around to 30'c year round and humidity is a bitch, depending on time of year and if we've had heavy rainfall or not.

This means drying "properly" can be a task.

I run an aircon inside set to 24/25'c and that keeps my humidity in the mid 50's with swings into to 60's, sometimes 70's if its raining outside and the temperature is lower than inside, the aircon stays off a bit longer and humidity spikes.

If i run the aircon at a lower temperature the humidity is even lower and the buds dry too quick.

So anybody else have any experience in drying in hot climates?


Well-Known Member
i’m not in a tropical zone however i still have 70% or so humidity when not running my dehums. with dehums running i bring that down to 40-45% and hanging in that environment it takes 4-7 days to dry depending on the size of the plant.

now if you’re worried about drying them too quickly you can water them throughly 12 hrs before harvesting so the plant soaks up all it can and dries slower

you can also put your buds into brown bags and close them up which slows the drying process

tbh 60-70 percent is good for drying but even 45 works for me


Well-Known Member
I just posted this in another thread, but I find it interesting how people traditionally have dealt with drying in the tropics https://www.420magazine.com/community/threads/tangwenas-malawi-style-cob-cure-fermented-cannabis.443405/

For the type of drying we do, whatever you can to dry it "low and slow" will help. Mid 50s is fine if you can maintain that, and drying the plant intact with all the leaves on helps the slow dry too (dry trimming.) You can also look into box drying to maintain humidity.