

hey im just curios about drying and curing marijuana... what is it? haha a dumb question i know but i just wantd to know when the plant is ready to cut and dry and stuff, doesent it change colour or something? a step by step for harvesting would be very helpful. i have some idea or drying like you hang the plants upside down or something in a dark place? but i need an alternative to this method if there is one becasue i live with my parents so i cant really setup a washing line in my room. i am planning to grow LOWRYDER OUTSIDE if that helps :/ :joint: peace, thanks in andanve for your answers. i could look at the FAQ but i just find that first hand answerrs seems to be more helpul


Well-Known Member
Anyway you look at it, there is going to be a huge odor problem with drying, so mom & dad are going to find out. You need to buy a carbon filter and inline fan to control odor, have an area with low humidity, and complete darkness. You can always dry in a box with screens if you don't want to hang them. Good luck.


Active Member
There are tons of post as to how to and what is the difference in Drying and curing.

Drying: Is just that you will likely see about a 50% drop in wieght from cut to the end of drying. Different strains take different times to dry. I normaly dry for 4-6 days in a box and fan system I made. I normaly dry till the stems are hard but will snap if bent the budds will feel crispy but will not just fall apart when you pinch it. From this point on you are not longer drying you now curing and there are a few schools of thought on this.

Curing: Some people will take the bud and put into a paper bag and put in someplace cool and dark. I put mine in glass jars and leave them open for 2-4 more days on a cool dark place then I put the lids on after 2-4 days wait 12hrs and check them. Depending on how it feels from that point it will open and close the jars "burping" the jars for 30-60min everyday till they were done normaly about another 2 weeks.

The main thing for both drying and curing is cool and dry. This is the time that you can and will get moldy buds if you dont assure you drying and curing and a cool dry play.