Drying conditions


Active Member
How’s everyone drying these days

upto date I’ve gone for

first two days of 20 degrees Celsius

then down to 17 degrees Celsius
And 60% humidity
I just put plant upsidedown in closet that is dry and dark. Slow dry till crispy makes for smooth nuggs. Crispy is how I smoke with torch. Popcorn fart crunchy that way you aren't smoking water. Just one way and it's far from perfect.
I hang-dry whole plants in the coolest, most humid room of my house which is my grow tent most of the time, but in the extreme heat of Summer it's my laundry room. If I don't have enough elbow-room to hang a whole plant, I'll cut it down into V-shaped branches and hang them that way.

The fact is, most home growers aren't going to be able to reach 60°F & 60% humidity, basically just get as close as you can. I've had to dry plants in 79 to 80° indoor heat at like maybe 40% RH tops, sure it dried a little quicker than I'd normally like but it still came out super dank. IMO as long as the plant dries slow & naturally on its own, and you're not trying to accelerate the process on purpose in any way, you'll be good.