So I recently chopped my first grow. Only used LST and did minimal defoliation as well as other plant training. This left me with dozens of branches with small buds on them. I cut off the ones with the most bud sites and hung those from a trellis net in my tent. But there were still a lot of other branches with dozens of other small buds (golf ball size when wet with sugar leaves).
So for drying, I hear 60/60 is ideal but that I'll also be good with a temp range of 60-70f and a rh range of 45 to 55 percent. I seem to currently be steady at the upper 60s for temperature and hovering right at 50 percent for humidity.
Dry guides tend to favor hang drying from the stem and suggest a 5-15 day dry time (all depending on environmental variables) but I was curious if that will be the same for the small buds I have laying on the drying rack.
Since I can't do the snap test on them, am I to just guestimate with pinch tests every few days and then toss some in a jar to test humidity with a hygrometer?

So for drying, I hear 60/60 is ideal but that I'll also be good with a temp range of 60-70f and a rh range of 45 to 55 percent. I seem to currently be steady at the upper 60s for temperature and hovering right at 50 percent for humidity.
Dry guides tend to favor hang drying from the stem and suggest a 5-15 day dry time (all depending on environmental variables) but I was curious if that will be the same for the small buds I have laying on the drying rack.
Since I can't do the snap test on them, am I to just guestimate with pinch tests every few days and then toss some in a jar to test humidity with a hygrometer?