Dry soil


Well-Known Member
I use an organic mix quite simular to super soil. I use pro mix for a starter medium and that has perlite in it and add 30% more of the chunky kind. I water my 5 gallon grow bags 5 or 6 days then skip one. When I grew in 3 gallon bags the soil would dry out, now in the bigger bags the next day after not watering the soil is still damp. How often should I let the soil dry out? Should it get completely dry? Weekly, semi-weekly, not at all? shredder


Active Member
I let mine get dry on top and just damp few inches down every water, If ya water to much the roots seem to need bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
I let mine dry to the point just this side of wilting it takes being on top of things cause yu dont want em to wilt just before.
Increases potency :)



Well-Known Member
Sub, I read somewhere that you mentioned that it was real important in your soil to let it dry out. I know about the need of the roots to get air, but was wondering if there was a micro level reason as well.........shredder