Drug tests and prescriptions


Active Member
Was up,

This coming Tuesday(9-1-09) I have a drug test for pre-employment. I was only worried about the THC portion of test. They gave me the notice on Wednesday and since then have abstained from smoking(lucky for those who are smoking now...)

Now since I quit cold shoulder I've been having worse than usual insomnia problems. It could be the "fuck I have an interview tomorrow morning," "Damn it, that D.O.T. test is in 3 hours I should really sleep," that has had me stressed. So I have started taking Valium(diazepam) to help me get rest for the next day. I got these pills through a friend since no job=no insurance=no doctor.

My question is since Valium is a Benzo it may show up on the test. I have thought about just listing valium when they ask if I've taken any medication. I was wondering if anyone knew if they ask for the prescription or the prescription container if I tell them?

Sorry for the long read....just felt I had to explain myself a bit.