Drug testing


Active Member
Hello all,

Wasn't sure where to post this, as this forum has the most followers I am going with it. I need to do a drug test for work(urine). I bought the home testing kits with the two lines(control and test) and they are stressing me out. The test line is showing up, but it is still faint as fuck. I think that means that technically I am under the 50ng/mL mark, but barely. For some reason I think my company has harsher standards, for some reason I recall the 16 ng/mL being their threshold. I would like to know if anyone has experience in a situation like this? Does the 16ng/mL seem probable? As in if they see that the test line is coming in weak they will send it away for further tests?

Also, does anyone have experience with using synthetic and it not working? ie it being sent away to a lab and being identified as fake urine. I have used to synthetic before and it has worked, but am worried about risking it this time as the drug test is for a big promotion. Ideally I would have quit smoking earlier but figured I had lots of time giving myself over a month. My drug test could be as soon as May 1.

Personal info that may be applicable:
I smoked pot 2-3 times per/day for 8 months
Stopped march 20th, minus April 2 I smoked a bowl of hash
5'11', 220 Lbs, slight beer gut, mostly muscle build
work out 4 times per week, 15 min. bike, 30 min. weights, 20 min. cardio, usually followed by a 5-10 min steam


Well-Known Member
16ng/mL is pretty rare but I've read stories (people on other forums) that say some places do test for it. If they do test at that level, you probably won't pass. At 50, you might be able to pass if you keep drinking fluids, take B vitamins to darken your pee, and eat red meat to keep your creatine and gravity levels in check. I read on NORML that taking aspirin helps too.

I'm in the same boat as you. i have an interview this tuesday and if I get the job, I'm pretty sure I'll be tested and won't pass. In my case, the company hiring actually does DOT approved drug screen testing so that makes me a little more worried. Please don't take that to mean I know more about testing then anyone else here. I'm a computer tech, not a lab tech.

I have been researching the fake urine and I keep reading that QuickFix 5.7 is the best. You just have to be careful and not pick up the 4.0 accidently. I believe they are on to that one. Also it doesn't foam, looks a bit light, and it doesn't have the smell of real pee, which makes me a little worried about putting to much faith in it. Oddly enough, I don't see to make stories of people failing with it. I do see people failing with the 4.0 and other brands. Grass City has some good threads on it.


Well-Known Member
If the line shows AT ALL your dirty and above the testing threshold.
You need to reread the directions the dip strip test has two lines one control and one test to be considered negative both lines should be present. The control line will be fairly dark but the test line can be faint and it's still considered negative.


Well-Known Member
Or... Bentonite... passed me 4 tests over the years.... quit smoking now, start taking lie 2 tbs of it 2-3 times a day and LOTS of water... you'll be good in 2 days or less.
This is what I do, I have a buddy that is totally clean, when I need to do a test I get him (for a small price) to pee in a thick walled plastic bad, that I have pre attached a hose to, I then tape the bag to my inner thigh and wear slightly baggy pants, Oh be sure to use a pressure seal on your tube and tape that end to your wang, go in to pee, open the tube, press thighs together and fill cup...its that easy, pee is always clean, and the correct temp, it can even be tested :P, I have done this no less than 20 times and it has NEVER failed (funny thing, first test I ever passed with this, I was fucking blitzed when i passed it lol). Good luck man
can someone help me figure this out please? if i smoke a dime a week before a urine test, can i pass it? or should i start looking for something to help out?


Active Member
yo G-string got a little confused about the old post. ok have you tried a pre test they sell them at CVS. get a couple they are $15 each. over the weekend drink like a gallon of cranberry juice and as much water as you can force down your throat. dillution is your friend at this point. I have passed piss tests on a few hours notice by drinking a shitload the night before then all the morning before testing time. If you can't pass the pre tests then you had better think about securing some clean pee