drug test/ hair folicle test


Well-Known Member
So I have court in 15 days for child custody. I have not smoked since november I no I am clean for a urine test. Now my big question I am about to chop down 18 plants. I no this might sound stupid but I got to stay clean. Has anyone ever failed a drug test from breathing in or getting resin etc on hands I have gloves and mask I am gonna wear but does anyone no for sure. This sounds dumb I no it does I dont even wanna submit this but any extra info is appreciared
ya no what sounds dumb? misusing the word no.

dont chop your plants until after the child custody is over..duh.
or figure out what is more important to you, your kid or weed.
wtf does chopping them down have to do with anything???... ur already growing. Chopping will do what?.... :roll:

U already have a mask and gloves, lol
ya no what sounds dumb? misusing the word no.

dont chop your plants until after the child custody is over..duh.
or figure out what is more important to you, your kid or weed.

you know whats even dumber a dumb ass misusing no and trying to bitch at someone for doing the same shit.
I am not certain about the testing but I can tell you from experience that it is entirely possible to get high when handling your plants. If they're not absolutely ready then leave them until after court as has been suggested. If you must cut them down them wear a respirator (not a mask), a heavy shirt with long sleeves and pants, and I would tape the wrists to be safe. Good Luck. :bigjoint:
There ready to be chopped I dont wanna leave them growing as a guardian at litem might end up wamting to come to the house for inspection. I have a grow room in my house so I gotta clear it out amd remove all equipment from room/house. So I have to chop. I was asking for any other recommendations other then hat and gloves or if anyone knows if it will affect you.
I think Caretakerdad covered the bases very well for you on that end.
Be SURE to put some ONA in that area to cover any residual scents for any unsuspected visit's (might want it to spend some time in surrounding rooms too) as you live there and you get "used" to even big amounts of odor!
Dr who......like

I think I am gonna buy a full like white suit from lowes. And I dont have a respirator does anyome no of a place that sells decent cheaper ones. The roomn is technically in a room I built on back porch so its not technically in the house but one gel for sure added to my list
Try sherwin williams or homedepot for a resporator. Maybe you have a close friend or family whom u trust enough to help you out. Not a good option but if it came down to it you never know.
Go to home depot and pick up all the protective wear mentioned.....also get one or two of those big barrels (plastic). Depending on the size of the plants, I would cut & hang the whole plant (how ever many u have), that way your not handling & inhaling the plants for hours.

Once dry, cut by the branch into the barrel, no trimming. U can put the barrel anywhere till after the visit, basement, attic, closet or back yard, anywhere. I would not spend hours trimming cuz with 2 pairs of gloves on my hands still end up sticky !

Heres an even bigger problem for ya.....when it comes to visits to the home to determine if a home is safe or not, they dont usually announce when they arecoming cuz they want tocatch uin your normal natural state.......Therefore id be getting rid of the grow op pronto ! With 2 weeks till courtits a wonder theyhavent shown already......good luck to you however you choose to go about things.