Drug test emrgency


New Member
(wasn't too sue where to post this)I Have a drug test coming up in about 25 days I have stopped medicating and now im trying to detox I would really appreciate advice on things that you KNOW for a fact work. only because its for a job. im over 250 bout 280 and I medicate everyday with usually wax. I took a detox drink and took several tests and all came up positive... really looking for help nd as far as the test I dnt think theyre going to watch If that's the case I will probably go with synthetic urine but my concern with that is that they may be able to tell that its fake...again please help


Well-Known Member
. ha, i took one 3 months ago at Concentra for a job. PASSED! i got a buddy to pee in an elmers glue bottle (thoroughly cleaned and what not). got 1 handwarmers, 1 roll of sports tape, and an ace bandage. wrap leg w/ace bandage, tape (sports tape) 1 handwarmer on the side of glue bottle, wrap with ace bandage, then the rest of the sports tape leaving you an opening to slide the glue bottle out then back in w/o too much difficulty. i taped it to my inner thigh area. temps should be good for 2 hrs max im guessing. also, shake up the glue bottle before you ppour it in the specimin cup to get some air bubbles in it. the ONLY way someone gets watched for a pee test is for the Government, probation, or law enforcement purposes. jobs are NOT allowed to watch.

i was going to go with the synthetic urine route, but didnt have the time needed. synthetic urine is the real deal, no worries.

good luck


Active Member
We used to use this trick but used IV bag up under the armpit..Route the hose discretely. I suggest that since you have enough time just try and stay clean for the few weeks, do a flush, check before you go with an OTC type test. Use the deception method as a last resort. Faking a test and getting caught is 10x worse than peeing hot. It will make your weed that much more tasty when you come back too. Just suck it up big guy. I was 230 and it took about 20 days of just not smokin and eating/drinking well. It's possible, you have time.

They will never see the IV and iv you route the hose down your back around your ass (clear tubing) is the way most of my National Guard buddies did it. wink..but be advised it is a very bad thing to get caught. GOOD luck!


Well-Known Member
I used the Elmers glue bottle trick to beat piss tests that were "monitored" because with a quick twist you could give a couple little squirts at the end for a nice realistic touch. Since you're probably not going to be watched, and I couldn't personally quit for 3 weeks, I would use the time to procure some clean urine and time how long your handwarmers will keep your specimen at the proper temp.

Edit: Keep it simple. They're more likely to notice somebody walking funny cause they have a tube up their ass than a simple condom or whatever taped to your leg.


Active Member
nice..but the tube doesn,t go in or up anything. don't do that! ;-) heck you can route it up front..when done "right" all there will be is a tiny clear hose and a tiny roll valve..

Again I stress, just go clean, you have time.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't try to clean up I am 6foot and 190 and it took over 2 months for me to clean up. I was drinking about a gallon of water a day. best bet get someone to piss in the cup for you bro. good luck


Active Member
Get some Nacin, Now I WARN u in advance that the first couple times u take it u will free like ur on fire. It is the Nacin literally burning the drugs out of ur body. See the reason piss test work is because ur body is storing the THC content in the fat cells of ur stomach, so thats how they get the test results. By cleaning up (like u are doing) in addition to the Nacin u should be good. I smoke ALOT and it has alway worked for me. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
(wasn't too sue where to post this)I Have a drug test coming up in about 25 days I have stopped medicating and now im trying to detox I would really appreciate advice on things that you KNOW for a fact work. only because its for a job. im over 250 bout 280 and I medicate everyday with usually wax. I took a detox drink and took several tests and all came up positive... really looking for help nd as far as the test I dnt think theyre going to watch If that's the case I will probably go with synthetic urine but my concern with that is that they may be able to tell that its fake...again please help
hey man get a urine test cup from ur local pharmacy, get a friend or relative who doesnt smoke to pee in the cup, male or female as long as female not
pregnant. then when you walking into test, stash the cup under your nuts. doesnt make you walk funny as you might think. but works great as someitmes they search your pockets. under ur sack also keeps the pee @ body temp . u go in B room, pour it into sample.. your good to go


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