'Drug driving' leads to more fatal crashes than drunk driving


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sounds all right.......

© Joe Raedle/Getty Images A Miami police officer speaks to a driver at a DUI checkpoint in Miami, Florida. An increasing number of drivers involved in fatal crashes are testing positive for drugs, especially opioids and marijuana, according to a new study by the Governors Highway Safety Association — though it is unclear whether drug use is actually the culprit in those crashes.

The report raises serious concerns at a time when the U.S. is facing an epidemic of opioid usage and as more and more states legalize marijuana for medical and recreational usage. But the GHSA also cautions that it is difficult to fully understand the extent to which "drugged driving" is becoming a problem.

"Drugs can impair, and drug-impaired drivers can crash," said report author Dr. Jim Hedlund, a former senior official with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. "But it's impossible to understand the full scope of the drugged driving problem because many drivers who are arrested or involved in crashes, even those who are killed, are not tested for drugs. Drivers who are drug-positive may not necessarily be impaired."

Authorities in the U.S. and abroad have aggressively cracked down on drunk driving over the last several decades. It is relatively easy to test motorists to determine whether they are under the influence of alcohol and determine whether it was a factor in a crash.

But what federal data shows is that, where tests were performed, 44 percent of drivers fatally injured in a crash tested positive for drugs in 2016, up from 28 percent a decade earlier. Of those who tested positive for drugs in the latest study, 38 percent had used marijuana, 16 percent had used some form of opioid, and 4 percent tested positive for a combination of both.

The research found that the simultaneous use of multiple drugs is becoming more common. Of the drivers killed in crashes in 2016 who were found to be using alcohol, 49 percent also tested positive for drugs.

"Alcohol-impaired driving and drug-impaired driving can no longer be treated as separate issues," said Ralph Blackman, President and CEO of Responsibility.org, a Virginia-based non-profit focused on drunk driving. While the use of alcohol by motorists was responsible for 28 percent of all U.S. traffic fatalities in 2016, Blackman said, "We have to think about the combination of substances drivers are often putting into their systems at the same time."

"Research has demonstrated the potential of marijuana to impair driving-related skills," NHTSA advised Congress in a report last July, while noting that it can be difficult to determine when a driver using marijuana is unfit to be behind the wheel. It also questioned the accuracy of tests used to determine how much THC — the active ingredient in cannabis — is in the blood.

Nonetheless, the GHSA says the issue of drug driving cannot be ignored. It calls for new testing procedures, an increase in public awareness campaigns, and increased law enforcement.

"Too many people operate under the false belief that marijuana or opioids don't impair their ability to drive, or even that these drugs make them safer drivers," said GHSA Executive Director Jonathan Adkins. "Busting this myth requires states to expand their impaired driving campaigns to include marijuana and opioids along with alcohol to show drivers that impairment is impairment, regardless of substance."
"Drugs can impair, and drug-impaired drivers can crash," said report author Dr. Jim Hedlund, a former senior official with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. "But it's impossible to understand the full scope of the drugged driving problem because many drivers who are arrested or involved in crashes, even those who are killed, are not tested for drugs. Drivers who are drug-positive may not necessarily be impaired."
...and there's the kicker..
An increasing number of drivers involved in fatal crashes are testing positive for drugs, especially opioids and marijuana, according to a new study by the Governors Highway Safety Association
In what proportions exactly? Im willing to wager it's a much larger amount of people who have opioids in their system. They casually say that shit in passing and gloss over the exact numbers, big surprise.
In what proportions exactly? Im willing to wager it's a much larger amount of people who have opioids in their system. They casually say that shit in passing and gloss over the exact numbers, big surprise.
As soon as the article said "Miami police officer" I could tell this was going to be another anti-weed campaign full of rhetoric and misquoted "studies". Notice the "Research has demonstrated the potential of marijuana to impair driving-related skills," NHTSA advised Congress in a report last July". Now read that again, and again if needed, there's no actual evidence, they just "think" it impairs your ability to drive. Not that I recommend driving high, I don't recommend driving on any drugs/alcohol. But to publish this crap based on speculation is just fear mongering and has the smell of a politically driven so-called "report".

Here's another quote from the actual report they submitted to congress, speculative??

"The scope and magnitude of the marijuana-impaired driving problem in this country cannot be clearly specified at this time. However, there are a number of indicators that suggest that a problem exists"
I passed my test high as fuck yoll, continued to get high constantly ever since and have had various high powered sports cars that I drive like I stole them. Not one single crash bump nothing never made contact with another car in my life. I would never drink alcohol and drive that’s completely different in my opinion
sounds all right.......

© Joe Raedle/Getty Images A Miami police officer speaks to a driver at a DUI checkpoint in Miami, Florida. An increasing number of drivers involved in fatal crashes are testing positive for drugs, especially opioids and marijuana, according to a new study by the Governors Highway Safety Association — though it is unclear whether drug use is actually the culprit in those crashes.

The report raises serious concerns at a time when the U.S. is facing an epidemic of opioid usage and as more and more states legalize marijuana for medical and recreational usage. But the GHSA also cautions that it is difficult to fully understand the extent to which "drugged driving" is becoming a problem.

"Drugs can impair, and drug-impaired drivers can crash," said report author Dr. Jim Hedlund, a former senior official with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. "But it's impossible to understand the full scope of the drugged driving problem because many drivers who are arrested or involved in crashes, even those who are killed, are not tested for drugs. Drivers who are drug-positive may not necessarily be impaired."

Authorities in the U.S. and abroad have aggressively cracked down on drunk driving over the last several decades. It is relatively easy to test motorists to determine whether they are under the influence of alcohol and determine whether it was a factor in a crash.

But what federal data shows is that, where tests were performed, 44 percent of drivers fatally injured in a crash tested positive for drugs in 2016, up from 28 percent a decade earlier. Of those who tested positive for drugs in the latest study, 38 percent had used marijuana, 16 percent had used some form of opioid, and 4 percent tested positive for a combination of both.

The research found that the simultaneous use of multiple drugs is becoming more common. Of the drivers killed in crashes in 2016 who were found to be using alcohol, 49 percent also tested positive for drugs.

"Alcohol-impaired driving and drug-impaired driving can no longer be treated as separate issues," said Ralph Blackman, President and CEO of Responsibility.org, a Virginia-based non-profit focused on drunk driving. While the use of alcohol by motorists was responsible for 28 percent of all U.S. traffic fatalities in 2016, Blackman said, "We have to think about the combination of substances drivers are often putting into their systems at the same time."

"Research has demonstrated the potential of marijuana to impair driving-related skills," NHTSA advised Congress in a report last July, while noting that it can be difficult to determine when a driver using marijuana is unfit to be behind the wheel. It also questioned the accuracy of tests used to determine how much THC — the active ingredient in cannabis — is in the blood.

Nonetheless, the GHSA says the issue of drug driving cannot be ignored. It calls for new testing procedures, an increase in public awareness campaigns, and increased law enforcement.

"Too many people operate under the false belief that marijuana or opioids don't impair their ability to drive, or even that these drugs make them safer drivers," said GHSA Executive Director Jonathan Adkins. "Busting this myth requires states to expand their impaired driving campaigns to include marijuana and opioids along with alcohol to show drivers that impairment is impairment, regardless of substance."
We gotta admit tho someone who doesn’t use weed regularly and then smokes and drives is dangerous as fuck. They need the old walk on a straight line tests again to cull the weak and let the strong carry on