Droped Nutrients On Plant!


Active Member
:wall: so i messed up yet agian, i was just finishing up transplanting my 2 AK48 plants when i was moving stuff around when i somehow spilled (worm castings, liquid) onto my plants which then made a light grey film over the parts the got it. do i need to worry about this? it happened yesterday, they still look fine. To broke to buy a camera at the moment there about 25 days old going on their 5th node. Any info would be nice. thanks Krypty


Active Member
on the plant but its only worm castings the levels are .02 .03 .02 so hopefully it wont due much


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You just want to spray them off with clean water, just in case it does burn the leaves. :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
Im not worried they look good and strong its beeen 2 days now. also does anyone no how good yeast and sugar work for making co2 im trying it right now?


New Member
Im not worried they look good and strong
If you're not worried then why are you wasting RIU bandwith? For future reference, next time you spill something on your plants, rinse it off. It should be obvious to anyone. If you had a spray bottle, you could have not been worried a long time ago.