Droopy plants.


Active Member
Well, this last week I've been having problems with my plants. All are Malawi Gold pure sativa immigrants and all look droopy((

I'm growing under 600W Hps Industria grow lamp, temperature is 33C steady, Humidity 33% (mostly it's 50-60%) and I water them when they're almost dry. Can't seem to figure out where's the problem. Light is more than a good distance away from the plants, I have a fan blowing on them at all times. Lately, the weather in where I live is going highwire (don't know if u spell it that way), and maybe that's the issue. But it's a controlled enviorment, almost, so that should not be the problem. I'm frustrated.

Here's the link to the gallery:

The biggest one is the mother of the smallest clones.


Well-Known Member
I have the same issue with one of my plants. A Thia x skunk. I think it is from lack of water. I water when they need it and i think i waited to long this tiem on the one. I watered last night and she did not come back to ful life 12 hours later when i peaked this morning.

I hope i did not kill her.


Well-Known Member
Jriggs might be right, the same happened to me i waited too long to water em & they took a day to recover properly. Don't be letting em dry out completely before watering, try adding water just before you think they need it.


New Member
Well, this last week I've been having problems with my plants. All are Malawi Gold pure sativa immigrants and all look droopy((

I'm growing under 600W Hps Industria grow lamp, temperature is 33C steady, Humidity 33% (mostly it's 50-60%) and I water them when they're almost dry. Can't seem to figure out where's the problem. Light is more than a good distance away from the plants, I have a fan blowing on them at all times. Lately, the weather in where I live is going highwire (don't know if u spell it that way), and maybe that's the issue. But it's a controlled enviorment, almost, so that should not be the problem. I'm frustrated.

Here's the link to the gallery:

The biggest one is the mother of the smallest clones.
I have the same issue with one of my plants. A Thia x skunk. I think it is from lack of water. I water when they need it and i think i waited to long this tiem on the one. I watered last night and she did not come back to ful life 12 hours later when i peaked this morning.

I hope i did not kill her.
Leaves that are drooping from underwatering will look limp and lifeless.
Leaves that are drooping from overwatering will be firm and curled down, even from the stem of the leaf.While I am a proponent of wet/dry cycling, I do not suggest waiting until leaves begin to droop or wilt. As Mr.Ito stated, this causes unnecessary stress.
Beginners should definitely rely on judging by the weight of the container, or a moisture meter... although one must test several areas in the containers to get an accurate idea of total moisture.
It is important to the growth of a healthly and strong root system to let plants dry out quite a bit between waterings. It can take several years to understand your plants and their needs enough to feel safe drying containers longer than a few days. However, with gained knowledge and a moisture meter you can easily push your girls to their limits without fear of stress.
Why do my plants droop after flushing or heavy watering?.

They droop after flushing due to lack of O2 in the rootzone. Take a thin wood dowel or pencil and poke some holes down into the mix for aeration.



Well-Known Member
will underwater plants rejivinate better in the dark period or light just curiose.


New Member
will underwater plants rejivinate better in the dark period or light just curiose.
underwatered plants recover in about 1 hour after watering.
they recover rapidly after watering and is easily noticed.
(water the plants when the sun is coming up or just after switching the lights on).