Droopy plants, please advise


Hey guys,

I realise this is one of the most commonly asked questions but over or under waterting?? i have attached a picture to show my problem, i believe thier may be other issues i face also but this appears to be most imminent threat.

any help will be greatly appreciated



Active Member
more info..watering habbits...what nutes and how often... lighting soil type ect..off hand over watered and an NPK issue need details thou


i started crop under a penetrato xlens LED, have had to change to 400w hps due to malfunction with the led.

since i have done this, this plant has suffered.

due to other plants in area i had to change to 12-12 early this week.

im new to the growing so i decided to go very weak on the nutrient side of things. have been using around half strentght.

were being watered every 2-3 days under LED ut due to higher heat of HPS have been 2 days maximum between watering.

i also have the yellowing around the leaves.

wsoil type is an "all mix" variety, provided by my local hydro shop as a good all rounder

more pctures can be uploaded for more info


Active Member
whats ur temps and how much water are u giving? its important to let the soil totally dry before watering again...u gotta stick ur finger in the dirt about an inch or so to see if its dry...yellowing leafs are a sighn of N def. a typical issue with plants that are in the first weeks of flowering...trim off the yellowed part and up to full power on the veg food


Active Member
it looks like onerwatering to me but thats my opinion. had a few look that that las grow and water was the prob. the less amount is better than too much. make those babies look for it...it aslos makes for a more potent flower...are u running a fan to make those babies dance? how far is the light away from the top of you plants


Active Member
lumens shock, if you use the new light for a week or 2, then go to flowering they can adjust, but it will shock them to switch lights and do flowering at the same time. if you trim the lower leaves, the plant should get a little better. for over or underwatering, let them dry out. if you dont know which it is you probably watered yesterday, just let it dry out . heres the trick if you over water, wait until its dry an inch deep. stick your finger an inch in the soil and if dirt sticks to your fingertip its wet and doesnt need watering. plants in nature go for days without water, but indoors they can get used to watering everyday, but you have to have good drainage, dont leave it sitting in water for more than a half hour or so, then dry it out. basic stuff, if you can get it right you can probably grow almost any plants


Active Member
nitrogen plays a bigger roll than most think. i like to veg with a 9-4-4. them up p and k. then stay with 4 on N...thats just me and it seems to b working well. hope this helps


Active Member
the N def. plus the stress of light and temp and begining flowering has rly hurt the plant..you can get this issues sorted out and save her..but in the future plz be a lil more gently with your plants...plants are sencitive and take time to adjust to new enviroments..be kind if u want some kind.


temps were great with the LED light but i am having trouble keeping them below 85 now with the HPS. going to add additioning intake and possible ac intermittantly to help with that. minimum temp is 74 max was 82 with led now alsot 90.

i have ann intake and extract fan, also have a tower oscilating fan and a wall mounted oscilating fan as well. they are/were dancing and looking strong.

distance from top of plants again something that has been altered due to light malfunction, was only 12-14 inches for LED it is now 34-38 with HPS due to heat. i didnt want to shock or burn them when i had to switch.

between 130-160 ml each watering, with some misting over the leaves


so, sort out my N def. trim the yellowing leaves. would this be the whole of it?

get my temps sorted again. and let them dry out a bit before they are watered again. with a bit of luck and the your guys experience i hope i can save it.

the others in the room are showing slight signs of the yellowing in the leaves but no droopage.

i guess practice will bring me experience. and with that, some nicely grown buds.


New Member
Bud, your plant is over watered. It's not a deficiency or any of that other crap. That plant is a little too small for that pot and takes time to soak up the water you are giving her. Stop watering her so much. Right now wait till you can stick your whole middle finger in the soil and it feels dry. You want it to be dry 4-5 inches below the surface before you water again. The next time you water just give he pH adjusted water with no nutrients. After that you can wait till it's dry till about 3 inches and you can give her light nutes. Although you are feeding your plant "half" nutes it still may be too strong. You need to test the ppm of your nutes. If you can't then just use 1/4 nutes. Most nutrient labeling and feeding guidelines are double what they should be under optimal conditions. Also, your light needs to be a LOT closer. A 400w HPS light should be 8" from the tops of your plants. At that height it has a footprint of roughly 3.5'x3.5'. If you can't get it that close because of heat then get it as close as you can and figure out your cooling issues. Your plants are not receiving enough lumens and you will not get much of a harvest if you leave your light there. Good luck and take the advice you are given in these forums with a grain of salt. Some guys here have no experience and sometimes you get really bad advice.

p.s. trim the dying yellow leaves that are sitting on the soil.


New Member
Plus, if you are having cooling issues with a 400w light that far above your plants then you had better start getting some a/c in there either through vents or with a portable unit. I have 8 1000w lights in my flower room and they are 16" from my canopy. You are WAY to far away.


New Member
Also, when you have a problem with your grow don't go changing 5 things at once or you will never know what the problem was. You go change temps, change nutrients, water less, and move the light and the plant comes back you won't know what cause the problem. Start with the solutions that will change the plant quickly (lighting, temperature, humidity, watering) then move to things that will take 2-3 days to show(nutrients). Try to only change 1 thing at a time and then wait to see if that helps.


ive lowered my LIGHT to around 18" will momnitor it over the next couple of days then i will maybe lower it again, i was worried about heat at top of canopy because they were vegged undet the LED which only has an operating temp of 85-90 degrees opposed to several hundered degrees.

room temp i have ordered a portable AC unite to help control this.

as i am a newbie im wodering, when your sayin trim the leaves, do i just trim from at the stem, or closer to the leave itself? (total newbie question) :D

i am learning as i go here tho.


New Member
You should only need to cut 2-3 of those leaves off. The ones that have no chance of coming back and are drawing energy from the plant. Cut them at the stem. The ones that are more than 50% yellow. If you ever have a question feel free to PM me or post a note in my profile and I'll come take a look. Lots of guys are here to help but you have to be careful with the advice you take sometimes. Some guys just spew shit out without even caring what really happens to your plants.