Droopy leaves, need suggestion


Active Member
This one plant has always been a little droopy. It was the fastest growing, with the biggest leaves out of my other 2 plants. Over all it grows the fastest out of all.

Anyways, in Fox Farm Planting Mix, veg'd for 4 weeks with Grow Big under a 250w mh, just switched to flowering 1 day ago, now under a 220w hps.

There really is nothing wrong with the plant other then the droopyness. It has grown great even with it being droopy. I'd just rather see it nice and happy, perked all up. Any suggestions?

Edit: By the way, just watered like an hour ago haha go figure that I'd decide to post after that. Irregardless, it droops. May not look THAT droopy like it is in the picture, but it droops.


Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Just looks a little overwatered, other than that it's a healthy plant. You need to wait for the top 2" of soil to be bone dry before watering again, or the roots can't get enough oxygen, and the leaves wilt, as we see here.
I know you don't want them to dry out but they will cope much better with a drought than a flood. I have some plants a little bigger than yours (I'm putting yours around 6-8" tall that somewhere near?) in 1 gal pots and I've been leaving them 5-7 days between waterings. Just give em what they use and don't overdo it!


Active Member
Yeah one thing I've noticed near the bottom of the pot it's pretty moist quite often. I water every other day ( by then approx. 3-5" is dry ) so I didn't think it was overwatering. Especially when it was showing signs of needing water when I tried to let it go a little longer then the normal scheduled watering and dry out the bottom some more, but it needed it.


Well-Known Member
I would let your pots dry out a couple of more days. Getting over excited about your grow and trying to water more often (thinking they will get bigger and faster). Lift your pots to tell when they are dry. Weight will help you determine when the plant can use some water. Just give them what they need when the need it. Keep all conditions optimum and you will just fine. :D