droopy leafs


Well-Known Member
Don't water every day water it until you start to get runoff and leave it alone you should only need to water every three days or so. Watering every day your roots don't get to dry out and expand to look for more water.


Well-Known Member

Let it dry at least 2 days between watering, the soil can be dry for a bit and not hurt the plant, keeping it wet stunts root growth and can lead to other root related isuues as well.


If u have been giving them 1pint of water untill this stage and they have been fine untill now i dont think watering is the problem . Tbh the leaves dont look that droopy . Is she in veg or just been flipped to flower ?
There u go ..ur plant is changing into flowering mode .u will see changes looking at ur plant she looks fine. This is her transitioning from one grow phase to another..if they continue to get even more droopy then u should wrorry . But i think u will be just fine ..please upload another pic once she has budded .we all like a bit of bud porn