drooping fan leaves need help now!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
My fan leaves are drooping bad and it recently happened. Im running a dwc with fine ph and fine ppm. I might have a minor calcium defficiency . Im running a 400w mh. The plant was about 2 feet away due to other plants. Could they be drooping from lack of light? Any ideas would help.

denny beezwax

Active Member
My fan leaves are drooping bad and it recently happened. Im running a dwc with fine ph and fine ppm. I might have a minor calcium defficiency . Im running a 400w mh. The plant was about 2 feet away due to other plants. Could they be drooping from lack of light? Any ideas would help.
Hey, I'm certainly no expert, but I'm running a couple of Rubbermaid tubs and my leaves start to droop after 6-7 days of the same water. Try fresh, pH'd water/nutes and see how they look after a few hours. I really don't think your drooping has anything to do with light... You know, if you were planted in soil, drooping leaves would point to overwatering. Obviously, that's not the answer with a DWC system.

Yeah.. wait a second. I'm running a 400 MH with 6" cool tube, constant air flow... and it was too damn hot on my plants. I got too aggressive, I think, only 9" to the plant tops. Just too damn hot and too damn close. But, your are two feet away? That ought to be far enough to avoid burn issues, right?


Active Member
yea it actually still got burnt because i got the temp up to 81 maby over for a day and the leaves suffered a little but now i have a fan and tube running through the reflector and exhausting through the other side and its working beautifully.