droopimg bud leaves, takes longer in flood, 15 days flower, rw. Help!


Well-Known Member
Ty first anyone. Heres the situation. 5.25 in square pots. 4 in rw blocks with mini cubes making up the rest. 15 days in flower. 400 watt, gh nutes, hydroguard, cold but not lower than 65f. Good air, 400 watt is 3 inchs and fine off plant colas.

The bud leaves on my biggest girl are drooping. Just started. Was very dry. Pot was real light. It took forever in flood to get the girl heavy. I am worried that she is too big for her pot and that their is barely any rockwool left unused inside pot. I need biggr I think.

Will adding more rockwol to the pot make a hermie. I ca add a few inches on bottom for now till i get more pots.

Is this the reason you think. I fed she still droopie. Just the small leaves on the buds on the upper eareas droopy. She has grown awesom until now. Very cool.


Well-Known Member
No add more rock wool if you need to. It sounds like maybe shock from being dry… I wouldn’t worry and just wait a little longer. Never let a hydro plant get really dry it’s no good for it…. Rock wool is the best medium for plant to grow in, so you should be ok. If you can post a pic and you will get a better response and diagnosis


Well-Known Member
No add more rock wool if you need to. It sounds like maybe shock from being dry… I wouldn’t worry and just wait a little longer. Never let a hydro plant get really dry it’s no good for it…. Rock wool is the best medium for plant to grow in, so you should be ok. If you can post a pic and you will get a better response and diagnosis


Well-Known Member
No add more rock wool if you need to. It sounds like maybe shock from being dry… I wouldn’t worry and just wait a little longer. Never let a hydro plant get really dry it’s no good for it…. Rock wool is the best medium for plant to grow in, so you should be ok. If you can post a pic and you will get a better response and diagnosis


Well-Known Member
lol, tytyty. Hehe, yeah i know lol about the dry, in fact acording to grodan NEVER!!! let your rockwool grow dry, and like an idiot i did anyway. I thought I had it covered as overwatering was sucha huge prob in the beginnig that every 4 days a cpouple of time i could flood. Then every other day and now it is every day. I need better timer, 15 minutes is wat to long for rockwool. But maybe later with flood times and all it amount to 7 min under, anyway, , , I ramble.

Thank you, shock was a good response, + reps,