drooopy plant?


Well-Known Member
got 8 white widows growing. all looking pretty good except 1.. its extremly droopy. like to the point where the leaves are starting to just lay flat against the stem..

what can cause this? am i not giving enough water? or to much water?

they are under 600watt MH and a few CFL.. tempeartur ranges from 73-80 degrees .

and they are only 13 days in on vegging. so no nutrients have been incorporated yet


Well-Known Member
too much no doubt matey throw a pic up if u can,,,rule of thumb move ur pot if its heavy dont feed if its weightless then feed i feed mine in coco every 2 days now before was every 3


Well-Known Member
i watered all 8 plants yesterday i used about a gallon total for all 8..

so idk why that particular 1 is like this. ill thropw up a pic right now.


Active Member
this is from http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/troubleshooting.html

Trouble Shooting Marijuana Health Problems

Use this chart to help you troubleshooting marijuana health problems and determine the possible causes for whatever strange problem you seem to be having. Don't forget that your problem may not necessarily be a lack of any particular nutrient, the issue is often availability. High pH can prevent plants from absorbing vital nutrients. Extreme humidity may cause leaves to remain tissue paper thin. Take small steps in your attempts to balance your nutrient solution. It is better to under-feed your plants than to overdose them. Try adding about half of a recommended concentration as you experiment. You can always add more later.
SymtomsSuspected Element
Yellowing of:
Young leaves
Middle leaves
Older leaves
Between veins
Old leaves drop
Leaves curl over
Leaves curl under
Tips Burn:
Young leaves
Older leaves
Young leaves wrinkle/curl
Growth Stunted
Dark/purple color
Pale color
Soft stems
Hard/brittle stems
Tips die
Bad roots

helped me on my first few grows


Well-Known Member
Double check your PH, it looks like it might be on the high side and could be causing nutrient lock out. Since your using smart pots, I'm doubting it's over watering, unless of course your watering every day. Under watering would be more dramatic and the leaves would look dry and you would see crisp looking leaf tips. The thin stems and light color and sort of weird growth on one of the plants is what's making me lean towards high PH and micro nutrient lockout.

I ran into this with my Hawaiian Snow. I was using last years soil, so it was very low in NPK, and I was giving it rain water which was to high of a PH for a soilless potting medium.