Drip system timer for max growth?


Active Member
I am a first time hydro grower with a 6 plant drip system, I have my seedlings which were rooted in rockwool then placed in expanded clay in the hydro system I made. here's my grow journal with pics https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/33534-pictures-diy-hydro-drip-system.html . My question is, at what intervals should I turn on the pump for my system. Each plant has one 1gph dripper at the corner of the rockwool. All the details are in the journal. I am currently running the dripper fifteen mins on, thirty mins off. Any input is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Timing has to do with your setup, you really just need to make sure the rockwool brick is soaked every couple of hours. Personally when I used it one hour on three off during the daylight cycle. Having said that though, I had misters (that doesn't look right)... anyway there were mist shooting dealies as well, which most definitely changed things.