Dried Curled Leaves, slight brown spots, help!


I'm doing an indoor grow, soil. I have these puppies set up with a 1000 watt light in a 5x5 tent, with the light being air-cooled, 2 feet away from the plants. Right now the plants are in vegetative growth. I'm giving them a nightly watering with synthetic fertilizer (a vegetative growth one, high in nitrogen, it's called "Ionic Grow").

The soil is your basic promix hp.

So what's going on here? Is this too little water? Too little nitrogen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Well-Known Member
I'm doing an indoor grow, soil. I have these puppies set up with a 1000 watt light in a 5x5 tent, with the light being air-cooled, 2 feet away from the plants. Right now the plants are in vegetative growth. I'm giving them a nightly watering with synthetic fertilizer (a vegetative growth one, high in nitrogen, it's called "Ionic Grow").

The soil is your basic promix hp.

So what's going on here? Is this too little water? Too little nitrogen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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overfeeding. Young plants like that dont need alot of nutes. Do you have a fan blowing on them?
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Well-Known Member
I see ca and mg defs. Could be due to overfeeding (lockout from too much) or from not letting the soil dry before watering again. The soil's ph rises as it dries. If you keep it too wet, it's like holding the ph lower and reducing the availability of nutes that are more available at those higher ranges. (ca and mg are among those nutes).


ph to 5.8 - 6.1.
Feed only 1/4 feed every other water.
Add some lime to the top of soil if you have or 1/4 strength cal mag.
You have the beginnings of a few issues but nothing that will stunt your growth yet:)
Hope this helps!!


I have a small fan in the tent blowing next to them, and the way I'm cooling the light causes a general suction throughout the tent which is causing them to shake a bit. (No Co2, so I'm not losing that)

I have the lights on 65% strength via a dimmable ballast, but perhaps I should raise it another foot or two or three?

I'm feeding them this at half strength (10 mg or two teaspoons per gallon, instead of the recommended four). I've applied this nutrient, the only nutrient I've used, twice so far. Last night, and the night before, but this problem seemed to have started before I used it. They were in small root riot cubes for maybe 2 weeks, I feel maybe too long, idk.

So I should get a PH meter, and add ca and mg?


Well-Known Member
don't ph anything, you're in soil.. ph'ing to 5.9-6.1 is too low.. ideal ph for soil is 6.5, and you never should adjust ph in soil, its just not necessary.

you're overfeeding them.. soil doesnt need to be watered every day, or fed every day.. the directions on the bottle are for a weekly feed schedule.. meaning thats how much they should get over the course of a week.. so you can feed it full strength all at once, and water only the rest of the week, or divide it up. so yes you're going 1/4 strength.. but watering with it 7 days a week you're really giving it double strength at the end of the week. plus using salts that frequently in soil you're sure gonna get build up..

try watering more when you do water to achieve run off and saturate your soil.. then don't water again until its dry.
a good rule of thumb is when you transplant your plants, pick up the pot with the soil dry to see how much it weighs.. and use that as a reference until you get familiar with it.. cuz even if the soil looks dry, its probably not.

just back off on the feed for a week or so, and water more volume, and less frequently, you'll be fine. a week from now, dose them once a week with 1/4 or half strength.. if they stay green then you're good. if they start to look hungry then the next watering give them another dose of feed.. its easy to feed more, MUCH MUCH harder to undo overfeeding.