DR60.250w HPS. OG Raskal White Fire


Well-Known Member
Well winter break is over and I'm back at it again. My first grow can be found here . This will be my second venture into the world of cannabis cultivation however, this time around im going to do 4 of the same strain, along the way I will be taking cuttings of these 4 just so I dont have to go through the germ trouble again. Anyway onto the grow.

Germed the seeds on Jan 17 as of today (22 Jan) I have 100% germ rate so far with OG Raskal White Fire (Wifi)

Now that I'm not restricted to the space of a PC case Im going to veg these girls a little longer than last time so I can take advantage of the 250w HPS light.

Right now I have them in cups just untill I have a good root system going then they will be moved to 3gal bags.

Soil mix I will be using is 2 parts FFOF and FFLW.

Nutes will be the same as last time(GH Flora Nova Grow & Bloom) but with some new friends added to the list. Growtek Monster Bloom and a CalMag nute. I have a ppm and PH meter this time as well so everything should stay fairly stable.

Same as last time if anyone has some good info or input for me I would love to apply it to my grow. Thanks for reading and now we play the waiting game :joint::weed:



Well-Known Member
They started to stretch a little too much I re potted them and moved the light closer.

Hopefully they didnt go into shock. But already a nice little root system going.


Well-Known Member
Looks good so far. Sub'd. I'm curious to see how these White Fires turn out under a 250w. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be able to get my hands on some of those beans.


Well-Known Member
Looks good so far. Sub'd. I'm curious to see how these White Fires turn out under a 250w. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be able to get my hands on some of those beans.
Yea I got them on a special from Attitude , a friend of mine swore by them and after trying it I had to grow my own.


Well-Known Member
Kinda having some issues with #1 and #2 after the transplant. They are still in shock and havent grown much if any. I was wondering if anyone could provide some direct advice. I have moved them closer to the light everything else is perfect. pH for the water is stable. #3 and #4 have grown way past them and are already started on their second leaf set. I will post pics when I get home.


Active Member
Im glad that you started another grow/thread. Ill be keeping an eye on this as my current one isn't doing so good.


Active Member
How's it going selective see you got the other one started.
Your last grow was amazing so definitely keeping an eye out for this.

Your not using your PC for veg?
Leave them alone man they should recover nothing else you can do if everything else is right.


Well-Known Member
Yea I got home from school today and its like they double in growth from the initial shock. Very happy with this strain so far.

Im glad you guys liked my last grow. No I gave the PC case to one of my friends however, I am constructing another VEG cab with T5 lights in it for the clones I will be cutting off these 4 beauties. UI will update more on that when I get around to buying all the materials to get that project underway.


Well-Known Member
I need to go buy some type of hanger for this light. for the most part I have it rigged up so its as close as I can get it to the plats but I feel like I can get another 3 inches closer to the without causing any real damage.


Active Member
What have you heard from this nutes selective?
I have another thread going and this guy recommended them
And maybe after im done with the FFF products I'll start using dyna grow.


Well-Known Member
Well a buddy of mine runs them in his garden and recommended that I try them out on this grow just to see if I like it. There is also another grow on here that used them. The results kinda speak for them self.

I will get some pics of the girls tomorrow provided nothing drasticly goes wrong with them. I gave them a lite feeding of some grow nutes today.


Well-Known Member
Got a close up sniff of the girls and they are already getting "that smell" about them good sign I think.


Active Member
looking good selective.
How many days?
stinky little babies I see..
I have 1 that I've been begging for over a month and its a stinky one and only like 5" tall lol
Its growth got stunted a while back


Active Member
Nice start Selective. I just realized that we started basically on the same day of germ. (Mine Jan 16th). So i will follow your lead and keep a close eye on this grow :)

They are looking real good. I seems like i should have started with something more than a 1 in pot. for most of my beans. As i only have 2 of 6 left and 1 of them is real small (most likely in shock since i had to move it around; I hope it recovers.

Good luck