DR60, 150w, bagseed, first grow


Here's what I have in my setup.
Secret Jardin DR60 Tent 23.5" x 23.5" x 55"
Sun System 150 Watt HPS Reflector
GrowBright 4" 170cfm Inline Fan
GrowBright Pure Flow 4 Jr. Carbon Filter
2, GrowBright 6" Clip-On-Fans
Blower / Fan speed control

Soil -
Fox Farms - Ocean Forest
Here are some pictures of my first grow. It's just bag seed but it should still be decent herb.

Here is my closet open and closed (still trying to figure out a way to hide the intake pipe)


Here's my little babies. The two in the front left were put in on the 3rd, the other 6 were the next day.

I'm still wondering what nutes to use and what to put them in after these cups. Either 2 or 5 gallon buckets. Not quite sure what to use with this small of a tent. 2,3 or 4 smaller plants?



Ok, quick update.
I ended up going with Fox farm nutes. The trio pack
I also bought 3 24" T5 lights to help during the flowering stage.
I'm going to transplant them into 3 gallon grow bags when the time comes.

Here's some updated pictures.


I'm thinking about going to 18/6 here in the next couple of days.
Questions, comments, concerns appreciated.


I went 18/6 this morning
I've just been feeding them straight distilled water for the time being.
I'm watering them about every 3 days or whenever the water meter i have says the soil is dry. I have holes in the bottom of the cups that i let the water drain through.


Active Member
Looks like a nice little setup man. One thing i learned about soil and watering is mari jane loves to be soaked then dry out some. When you water give it a good soak until you have water coming out of all holes on bottom. Then let it dry up for a couple days till the pot feels light. But when you hit flowering they will drink a shit load more lol. Good luck and I like your set up.
I have the exact same materials as you except i'm only growing a single plant. Im about 3 weeks in and have already dealt with ph issues that slowed down growth. yesterday i re potted into a 4 gallon bucket filled with ffof mixed with a cup of dolomite lime. Good luck with your grow, lets keep in touch. Are you using the fox farms nutrient lineup as well? I noticed you have the metal sensor attached to the cup, the actual temp sensor is on the grow bright unit itself. So to get a more accurate reading on your temps you should place the whole growbright unit where your seedlings are. You may want to tape up the sides of your cups because roots do not like light. Hope this helps you.


Well-Known Member
Hey dubmai, I use this tent as well, although I think mine is a knock off, cost me around 50 GBP on the internet...anyway, I use mine for my clones and veg. Just wanted to make a comment. 3 gallon bags are around 13litres I think. I can imagine with 8 of them in there is is going to get kind of squashed. You will also then have to deal with higher humidity as the larger volume of soil will holder larger volumes of water.

I would perhaps go for 1 gallon grow bags since you are running 8. Then veg them until you can take a cutting then straight into 12/12 for flower to determine sex. Even if you get 50/50 ratio, those remaining are really going to fill out massively!! The cuttings or clones can be grown in a cheap set up, there arem lots of ways (threads on riu) and I think you have still got a bit of space in that cupboard.

Only other thing, if you can put those cups inside (another cup - non see through perhaps) something so that when the roots start growing out they are not damaged by light.

Good luck, my friend also has one of these and has not done anything with his yet so will be interesting to see what you can pull.



Ok, quick update.
I ended up going with Fox farm nutes. The trio pack
I also bought 3 24" T5 lights to help during the flowering stage.
I'm going to transplant them into 3 gallon grow bags when the time comes.

Here's some updated pictures.

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I'm thinking about going to 18/6 here in the next couple of days.
Questions, comments, concerns appreciated.


I have the exact same materials as you except i'm only growing a single plant. Im about 3 weeks in and have already dealt with ph issues that slowed down growth. yesterday i re potted into a 4 gallon bucket filled with ffof mixed with a cup of dolomite lime. Good luck with your grow, lets keep in touch. Are you using the fox farms nutrient lineup as well? I noticed you have the metal sensor attached to the cup, the actual temp sensor is on the grow bright unit itself. So to get a more accurate reading on your temps you should place the whole growbright unit where your seedlings are. You may want to tape up the sides of your cups because roots do not like light. Hope this helps you.
Ill do that to my cups rights now. I thought the metal part was the temp gauge. That's good to know haha. And yeah, I swopped up the FF trio pack.

Hey dubmai, I use this tent as well, although I think mine is a knock off, cost me around 50 GBP on the internet...anyway, I use mine for my clones and veg. Just wanted to make a comment. 3 gallon bags are around 13litres I think. I can imagine with 8 of them in there is is going to get kind of squashed. You will also then have to deal with higher humidity as the larger volume of soil will holder larger volumes of water.

I would perhaps go for 1 gallon grow bags since you are running 8. Then veg them until you can take a cutting then straight into 12/12 for flower to determine sex. Even if you get 50/50 ratio, those remaining are really going to fill out massively!! The cuttings or clones can be grown in a cheap set up, there arem lots of ways (threads on riu) and I think you have still got a bit of space in that cupboard.

Only other thing, if you can put those cups inside (another cup - non see through perhaps) something so that when the roots start growing out they are not damaged by light.

Good luck, my friend also has one of these and has not done anything with his yet so will be interesting to see what you can pull.


Hey dst, I'm just going to keep 2 or 3 are female. Whatever is left over of the females im giving to a buddy. I was thinking of converting that old server that you can see in the first picture into something that i can put clones in. So I shouldn't keep these in the cups until sexing? That was the original plan.

Thanks +Rep


Well-Known Member
Morning dubmai,

Yeh you can keep them in th eparty cups until sexing, no problem. I would cover up the cups though so the roots are not exposed to the light.

If you are keeping them in the cups until sexing then I would def recommend the smaller size bags. I flowered two girls in mine once, one in an 18litre container, the other in a lightly smaller one, and it was cramped, lol. The server would work great for a clone box.

Keep up the good work and good luck bru.


Ill do that to my cups rights now. I thought the metal part was the temp gauge. That's good to know haha. And yeah, I swopped up the FF trio pack.

Hey dst, I'm just going to keep 2 or 3 are female. Whatever is left over of the females im giving to a buddy. I was thinking of converting that old server that you can see in the first picture into something that i can put clones in. So I shouldn't keep these in the cups until sexing? That was the original plan.

Thanks +Rep


Just some pics I took tonight.
9 days
Took a macro of the biggest one so far
Threw some tape on the sides so the roots aren't exposed



Active Member
looking good, how do you like fox farm nutes, im using them too and find them to be real effective and easy to use, i kinda wanna switch to advanced nutrients though for the auto ph aspect of their nutes, peace


2 weeks out of soil.

Sorry I was thinking of just doing weekly updates with pictures.
I've been using distilled water and changing the pH to 6.5, I need to get a soil pH tester.
I haven't started using any nutrients yet, as the FFOF soil is good to go for about 3-4 weeks w/o nutrients. Should I be using nutes, maybe at 1/4 strength? What medium did you start with mosh2metal?
And now the updates. These are of each individual one.


It's amazing how quickly these have grown.
They look good bro. When I started in dixie cups and ffof I used no nutes, i transplanted after 2 weeks into a 4 gallon bucket of ffof and started using nutes after 4 weeks from transplant


3 weeks 2 days out of soil.
Alright been out of town for Holiday.
Here's an update
I was gone for 4 days. They didn't get watered in that time... My bad I know. When I came back yesterday they were a little bit sad. All of them but one plant was droopy (don't know what made that one so strong). I don't know what the yellow is from the leaves dieing and falling off. I'm going to look that up right now on here.
Here's the pictures.



4 weeks 1 day out of soil.
I ended up transplanting 4 of the bigger ones into 3 gallon pots and they seem to be doing a lot better.
Starting using FF Grow big nutes at 1/4 strength over the past week.
I also ended up topping the 4 of them.



4 weeks 1 day out of soil.
I ended up transplanting 4 of the bigger ones into 3 gallon pots and they seem to be doing a lot better.
Starting using FF Grow big nutes at 1/4 strength over the past week.
I also ended up topping the 4 of them.

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Nice... I am using a 250 watt 35 days into flower am upgrading later this week to a 1000 watt tho Im subbed anywho +rep


5 weeks

Everythings looking good. I'm not having to water too much because of the bigger grow bags. Maybe once every 4 days. I've been checking the soil with a moisture meter.
I started LST about 5 days ago. I'm gonna let them veg for another week the switch to 12/12

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