Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk Auto Autoflowering Feminised Seeds


New Member
Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk Auto Autoflowering Feminised Seeds Info

Due to the instantaneous demand and proven success of our Incredible Bulk, everyone at Team Krippling knew this Auto variety had to be created.

Bred to be an incredibly quick and heavy-weight performer, this autoflowering plant does not dissapoint.

It's all about the weight. And no wait. And no trouble.

Almost impossible to hurt this plant - it can take a huge range of ph / nutrient fluctuations, withstands extremes in heat and moisture, and joyfully devours any CO2 enhancement. This plant mutates and adapts to its environment - one perfectly grown, big plant can produce upto the same yield of upto twenty plants of normal size. Monstrous size plants and flowers are to be expected, especially if they get frustratingly hot and angry in a greenhouse during the height of summer.

Genetic origin: Big Bud x Green Spirit x SuperSkunkx Auto
Medical use: Pain relief, Stress relief

I want to tell you friendly advice about this Dr. Kripplink Incredible Bulk Autoflowering Feminised seed: I reared this seeds outside and I was impressed after 2 months (about 60 days). This plant was about 0.8 - 1.2 meters... harvest time I had 70g...so strong and gentle relaxing marijuana.

Read more: http://original-ssc.com. <~ I subscribed here. [many free seeds and big discount, a lot of stock and great gifts].


Well-Known Member
Friggin spam from original sensible seed company. I will never buy a bean from them just because of this retarded marketing


New Member
For the moment mister "st0wandgrow" you are a scammer by your self, because how you can tell that it is a scam if you haven't bought from there anything? Well I did and I enjoyed it very much, so I don't see anything wrong by sharing information with my "tiny wallet" fellows who might have be interested :)