Dr. Hornby's Big Bud

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Go with greenfuse bloom booster/or B'CUSS bloom booster(use to be one company---greenfuse is more concentrated----------The AN BIG BUD is a great product in the flowering stages it stims bud sites but not really a flowering stage starter---go with above products if you have assess----So is AN's PK 13/14


Well-Known Member
Anyone know about " Dr. Hornby's Big Bud " im looking for something good to help trigger flowering
Nothing is better than Phosphoload for triggering the flowering process; unfortunately it is expensive. A little bit of that stuff goes a very long way, so it will last for several medium size grows. It's just expensive.
Personally, I'm cheap & can wait for the plant to do her thing. But if you've got money to burn & need it now - Buy Phosphoload - every hydro shop coast to coast has it.


Well-Known Member
there are no nutes in this universe that trigger flowering. they add density to the nugs and a strong healthy plant. flowering is triggered only by light schedule. that is in the dna and nothing over the counter will change that. dr hornbies stuff is good but way over priced were i am. he actualy runs my medical dispensary and talk to him almost everyday. look around and you may find another product that is the same thing just under another name ( hint ). dont buy into marketing most nutes do about the same thing so it realy dosen`t matter. go with whats available for what you can afford.


Well-Known Member
there are no nutes in this universe that trigger flowering. they add density to the nugs and a strong healthy plant. flowering is triggered only by light schedule. that is in the dna and nothing over the counter will change that. dr hornbies stuff is good but way over priced were i am. he actualy runs my medical dispensary and talk to him almost everyday. look around and you may find another product that is the same thing just under another name ( hint ). dont buy into marketing most nutes do about the same thing so it realy dosen`t matter. go with whats available for what you can afford.
Now there's a sensible post,plus rep.

As allready told to you there is no magic sauce that will trigger flowering,that process involves light, not nutrients.

As for buying those crazy priced nutrients its your call but be forewarned that no farmer of fruits or vegatables on earth uses that over priced shit,and for a very good reason,there are no secret ingredients in the stuff,no secret mixtures,no real science behind the products,only hype.

Learn what NPK values are all about & learn about the micro nutes that your plants need,learning these numbers & how to apply them will allow you to use off the shelf nutrients for your entire grow & only cost $5 compared to the hundereds of dollars you'll spend on ultra expesive snake oil sauces,shit with names like Grow Big,Big Bud,Monster Bud ect are all snake oil & offer nothing more than any other off the shelf fertilizer except the placebo factor, making the consumer believe he's doing something extra special to increase growth.


Well-Known Member
Ok, to those of you who say - BS - I don't believe it. Believe it. I did not believe any snake oil, could influence the switch - until I saw it with my own eyes. A large grow (hydro) half were given phosphoload, the other half was not. The lights were switched to 12/12. The phosphoload half started flowering in 3 days, the untreated half in 8 + days. Now, $ 45 for 5 days - still way too expense in my book. But some would disagree. They are impatient & have money to burn.
I am frugal, and generally don't spend anything I don't have too. It's a weed, I give it the basics; I can wait. I grow completely organic - worm casting (my fishing worms), rabbit manure (my daughers pet), molasses (cheap), alfalfa meal (rabbit food) and bat guano (local source). I occasionally buy some fish emulsion, bone meal or Blue Mtn Organics - Super Plant Tonic (ebay). I refuse to spend more than 10 bucks on any fertilizer or amendment.
I started a thread, just last week, speaking out against over priced fertilizers - in retrospec - I'm now wondering if I should have anwsered this post. Shame on me.


Well-Known Member
The main problem with using user testimonials as evidence is that the information is affected by too many variables to be taken into serious consideration,that isnt meant as an insult but as a fact.

There is science behind the fertilization & feeding of plants & the voodo peedelers do not offer anything more or less than the standard off the shelf ferts,the ingredients are of the same nature.

Im not doubting that you experience better growth using what you did but the chances are extremely high that the same results can be easily replicated using standard off the shelf ferts with mathing nutrient & micro nutrient numbers.


Well-Known Member
well it may have happened for you. were those buds that started first any bigger in the end? or were they any better smoke or high? not saying it didn`t happen for you but you would be the first that i have heard of. he is obviously just learning and like the other post said he needs to learn more first about what they do and how to use them before he just pours a bottle of juice in a plant and finds out it didn`t do what he thought it would. for a few days difference of flowering ( that could have happened with or without nutes ) it dosen`t pay to spend big bucks on juice and think that will solve everything.


Well-Known Member
That phosphoload experience was not my grow. The grower who used it, trusted younger bud, said the yields were about the same. No dramatic difference. Only the treated half, finished a week earlier. If, I were him, I would have let them both go to the finish line on the same end day. That would be the only way to know for sure about yield.
It's kinda like when your a kid. No, car is too fast for the young. I personally am looking for comfort & mileage. Fast shinny things look good; but are always expensive. The truth is - Both will get you there.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Interesting posts----My opinion and stand on the subject of nutes comes from over 20 years of growing the plant we all love---I agree with PanHead on the fact that you should know about NPK and the ratio's and also all macro and micro elements. You should also know how they work and what they do within the plants and how they are related. I don't want to waste any one's time with a bunch of babble and bullshit so I'll keep it short and sweet---The high-end nutes work for me:hump:----.:mrgreen:


Active Member
The truth come down to LAZY-NESS!

If you lazy - buy the expensive nuts cause it will make shit easy.

If you got time - use the cheap stuff cause it require some reading and messing with to get it right.

Sensi stuff - just rip the package and throw into a 25 gal res. Simple as that! Shit cost money, but look at how simple that shit is!!!


Well-Known Member
i wouldn`t call it lazy ness if you dont know anything about nutes it dosen`t mater what you spend you still need to know the why to use when and how. otherwise you may as well not even use them. i wouldn`t compare the cheep stuff to expencive that way. most marijuanna nutes are around the same price, 20 bucks. i wouldn`t even waste my money on cheep stuff ( like mg)


Active Member
I've used Phosphoload since it was called "Super Bud" In dirt, in hydro, side by side with and with out. Verticle growth witll come to a complete stop in two days. It has been my personal experience that I gain a minimum yield increase of 30% and generaly closer to 50%. Buds in my avatar were grown with phosphoload, they speak for themself. If you use half a litre at $140 that's $70, tell me how much of an increase do you need to make up for that cost. The most cost effective additive I have ever use. Warning, the recomended dose is to strong, try using half. if you're vertical growth has stopped your using plenty


New Member
If you go to a fertilizer warehouse and buy "Nursery grade" fertilizer, you will have excellent results and save a bundle of cash. Just go with quality fertilizer, there is no magic elixir. Just keep your ratios in tune with the rhythm of the plant and everything will come out fine. And patience, can't have enough of that, and it's free.


DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I've used Phosphoload since it was called "Super Bud" In dirt, in hydro, side by side with and with out. Verticle growth witll come to a complete stop in two days. It has been my personal experience that I gain a minimum yield increase of 30% and generaly closer to 50%. Buds in my avatar were grown with phosphoload, they speak for themself. If you use half a litre at $140 that's $70, tell me how much of an increase do you need to make up for that cost. The most cost effective additive I have ever use. Warning, the recomended dose is to strong, try using half. if you're vertical growth has stopped your using plenty
looks like a "KUBBY" grow:lol:. sealed room-7gal buckets--co2---24" veg, then switch to 12/12. forearm sized cola's----what strain did you go with in your pics?. keep rocking brother...


Well-Known Member
its true that no nute can "trigger" flowering. as already stated, that is done by lighting cycle. however, there are a few (expensive) products that can greatly speed up the flowering cycle by eliminating the mainly useless 2 week stretch. the two products that i know of that do this are Humboldts bushmaster and phosphoload. i have done extensive reseearch on BM, not because im lazy, or i want a magic yiled increasing potion, etc etc. but because i vegged a little too long, and i dont want a crispy burnt up cola. like i said, these products stop the strech, and the plants halt ALL verticle growth once administered. this in turn WILL speed up the flowering process by tricking the plant into producing buds right away, instead of using all of its energy on the dreaded stretch. yes, there are alot of hyped up snake oils out there, but not everything is. people who say that are ignorant.


Well-Known Member
iv also heard many good things about big bud. supposedly its a big yield increaser. i cant verify that though...