Dr Bruce Bugbee


Well-Known Member
Anyone else heard of or watched any of his vids or maybe even worked under or was a student of Dr Bugbee? I have been checking out his vids..( yes he’s tryin to sell sensors n such) but he is a legitimate prof and has done extensive research on cannabis. Just wondering how many people here have checked him out. Would like to start a discussion on some of his findings. What do you think guys?
Anyone else heard of or watched any of his vids or maybe even worked under or was a student of Dr Bugbee? I have been checking out his vids..( yes he’s tryin to sell sensors n such) but he is a legitimate prof and has done extensive research on cannabis. Just wondering how many people here have checked him out. Would like to start a discussion on some of his findings. What do you think guys?
there are a couple threads

The man has some very solid research. I am trying to compile a library of everything I can find on his work. Man to be able to pick his brain just once
been there, these are some of my links

the main thread (includes about 4 growers with his method)

a grow with his method

discusses vermiculite in bugbee method

Paper by bugbee

more threads

bugbee on light

bugbee on light ii
He's a wealth of scientific knowledge. I followed his recipe the best I could in my first grow with good results (2 plants - 7 oz). He's now offering a paid online course in cannabis cultivation. I'm tempted to enrol.

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He's a wealth of scientific knowledge. I followed his recipe the best I could in my first grow with good results (2 plants - 7 oz). He's now offering a paid online course in cannabis cultivation. I'm tempted to enrol.

Good news about the online course. I’ll check it out.

I’ve gotten a lot out of his videos and will watch them multiple times. Being able to read a transcript is a big win. It’s not formatted but doing the formatting could be a project for a rainy weekend.
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