Downward Curling Leaves, Yellow + Dark patches, Twisted leaves


Active Member
sorry for the lack of pictures, waiting to use my friend's camera..

My plants are 3 weeks old, in bio bizz soil, not been fertilised yet.

One has yellow leaves with dark patches and they've slightly dried up

All the plant's leaves are curling downards but are firm (overwatering)?

Also on one of the plants the leaves are twisted :S

Any ideas?

I thought maybe a little overwatering and lack of nutes? So i was going to lay off the water but water with nutes from now on..?


Well-Known Member
sorry for the lack of pictures, waiting to use my friend's camera..

My plants are 3 weeks old, in bio bizz soil, not been fertilised yet.

One has yellow leaves with dark patches and they've slightly dried up

All the plant's leaves are curling downards but are firm (overwatering)?

Also on one of the plants the leaves are twisted :S

Any ideas?

I thought maybe a little overwatering and lack of nutes? So i was going to lay off the water but water with nutes from now on..?
Sounds like they just need nutes. Start at 1/4 strength. Also when you water, you should thoroughly saturate the soil with water, then let it dry out completely. just like when it rains in nature.


Well-Known Member
Ya Bro, One of my lil girls is twisted like a a twizler but the other one is perfect. They are from different strains mind you but I've never seen the like before. Just still cant make up my mind about what to do with it. its in my own blend of soil and gets very light nutes at 3-4 weeks.