Double up on a timer


Active Member
I'd like to put a fan on the same timer as the light. Do I just put a double plug on the timer itself (1 fan, 1 timer side of contactor) or double plug on output of contactor.

Judging by the bloody great burn on my hand the timer side of the contactor has power running through it when only the other side is plugged in! DoH!

Cheeers Peeeps

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I have NO IDEA what you mean by contactor... but what I do is plug my timer into the wall... then I plug a power strip into the timer... then I can plug about 5 or 6 different things (that together don't exceed the max. amps. allowed) into the power strip and they are all running on the timer.

BTW.... not sure you want your fan on a timer... it's best to leave the fan run 24/7. I have some of mine turn off at night on the timer... but I have one I run 24/7