DO's and Don'ts for Noobs.


Welcome. So you're on your way to growing your first crop. Lots of info out there. Here's a few do's and dont's to consider while starting your first grow. Just a lil info i learned from my first few grows.
There is way more dont's than do's.

1.Provide excellent air circulation and heat exchange.- Heat will not only stress your plants, possibly kill them and will surely decrease yield(produces small airy buds- not what you want)
2.Choose a soil that will drain and allow plenty of o2 to get to the roots.(there is 100s of soils out there- i suggest using organic/worm castings with a mixture of perlite)
3. Do provide excellent lighting source- MH or Cfls are great during vegging, but make sure u provide a HPS system in flowering. They are cheap and more energy efficient than cfls and create great yields. If you are worried about space and heat you can get a 150hps for less than 90 dollars. 16000 lumens- good luck producing those lumens with a cfl setup for the same cost.
4.Do give the correct hours of lighting. If vegging 24/0 or 18/6 if flowering 12/12 or 11/13
5.Do lots of research.. I can't express this enough. There's so much info out there. Videos, journals, books. Use them then figure out what works for you. If you don't know what your are doing don't make it up. Don't waste your time DO it right.
6. Do Be Smart. Be stealthy and learn to keep a secret.
7. Do be Patient. Let it grow you cant rush nature. Trust me.
8. Keep it Simple
9. Use a reflective material. NOT TINFOIL
10. Add LOVE.
11.LST!!!!! Ladies love to be tied down.

1. Don't Tell people. I cant stress that enough. Not anyone. Its not worth it.
2. If it's your first grow keep it simple. Don't go Hydro or Aeroponics unless you know what your doing.
3. Don't Overwater.... just Don't. Its easier to underwater and correct than overwatering and hoping it drys out. To much water your roots can breath.
4. Don't use nutrients. If its your first time keep it simple. If you insist don't over use. Use a 1/4 of the instructed amounts.
5. Don't touch your plants much. you can get away with this in vegging. But in flowering just don't touch your plants. I cant tell you how many times i've seen dumshits on youtube grabbing and touching their plants while flowering. If you don't understand this, you shouldn't grow....
6. Don't let light leak into your flowering room while dark times.
7. Don't overstress your plants. Nothing good comes from a stressed plant.
8. Don't use tinfoil.
9. I don't believe in topping plants more than one time. Really don't.
10. Don't prune or cut your plants while flowering. if u don't believe me try it and see how your plants react. Not good.
11. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Anyone can post information. 25% of the time it will be wrong.
12. Don't hate on your fellow growers. You just sound stupid and it doesn't help your plants at all.
13. Don't rush the drying and harvesting times. I understand how hard this can be. You put so much time into your ladies why screw it up now.

There are so many more don'ts and do's. Be smart about your hobby and you will receive great rewards. I can't grow for you, just point you in the right direction. Have fun. Remember Silent Pride is way better than spending time in jail.

-One Love. KillerB


Well-Known Member
Welcome. So you're on your way to growing your first crop. Lots of info out there. Here's a few do's and dont's to consider while starting your first grow. Just a lil info i learned from my first few grows.
There is way more dont's than do's.

1.Provide excellent air circulation and heat exchange.- Heat will not only stress your plants, possibly kill them and will surely decrease yield(produces small airy buds- not what you want)
2.Choose a soil that will drain and allow plenty of o2 to get to the roots.(there is 100s of soils out there- i suggest using organic/worm castings with a mixture of perlite)

This guy must have smoked too much and passed out at the computer or something because other other half of the list is missing lol.


Well-Known Member
If these are do's and don'ts for The first time grower, here are three very important ones
Do buy a bag of weed six weeks into flowering, to keep you from being tempted to snip off a "tester" bud.
Don't be tempted to snip off a "tester" bud, buy a bag of weed instead. It's the last bag you should need to buy for a while.
DO read up on how to look at your plants to know when they're ready.


New Member
Welcome. So you're on your way to growing your first crop. Lots of info out there. Here's a few do's and dont's to consider while starting your first grow. Just a lil info i learned from my first few grows.
There is way more dont's than do's.

1.Provide excellent air circulation and heat exchange.- Heat will not only stress your plants, possibly kill them and will surely decrease yield(produces small airy buds- not what you want)
2.Choose a soil that will drain and allow plenty of o2 to get to the roots.(there is 100s of soils out there- i suggest using organic/worm castings with a mixture of perlite)
i noticed its your first post and also noticed you suggest?? are you a grower do you grow ??? i think imo for first post goin into the noob section and giving some details of what you grow and what kinda power yrs exp etc lol you might be better off scrolling threads and givin some input other then coming on here and presenting your self as a pro grower with only one post in mind remember you are a noob in our books


New Member
guess this thread isn't going to recover so let me ask, under your name the two statuses, like, "Stoner, Stoner" or "Super Stoner, Mr. Ganja" why are some the same and some different?


Misguided Angel
guess this thread isn't going to recover so let me ask, under your name the two statuses, like, "Stoner, Stoner" or "Super Stoner, Mr. Ganja" why are some the same and some different?
One has to do with post count, the other with respect received form other members