Dork Plant


I got this plant I call Dork Plant, it was my first one and I fucked it up pretty good trimming to early. Basically an experiment. Do you guys think it is ready, I was hoping the bud would get a little thicker? I know it aint gonna produce much.

I did not do much to this plant outside of some basic nutrients, I actually thought it was not going to do anything at all.

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Not ready. I still see white pistols here and there. Could you explain this trimming experiment you were doing because this plant is growing like a cypress tree. Looks like you cut off the side branches to form a donkey dick.
Not ready. I still see white pistols here and there. Could you explain this trimming experiment you were doing because this plant is growing like a cypress tree. Looks like you cut off the side branches to form a donkey dick.
LMAO, just being a dumbass beginner. I thought I was going to be smart and form myself one of those big ol long bannana buds.....Oh,well; chalk it up to training
Make no mistake that was not done on purpose. Yes, those seeds are freaking expensive, basically about 10$ per. Good thing about GC is that they send some free ones if you pay by mail.

I do see more buds forming on the lower colas but nothing on the main bananna and she is not really drinking to much anymore. I blasted her with some sweet juice and got her sitting out in the rain right now. I will report back. Thanks