Don't look rite what's wrong?


Growing in ffof soin in 2x2tent plant is going on to 4th week of flower and the buds look under developed and growth seems to have stopped I just can't seem to figure out what's wrong I've done other grows and doing everything the same as I usually do but something deff doesn't look rite?



Well-Known Member
Some strains and also some phenos just aren't big stackers. It's just how it goes. It could just be the plant, that's all.

And honestly around week 3 to 5 most plants just don't seem like they're stacking, then all of a sudden you compare week-to-week pics and you'll be like "ooooh ok". They are stacking, but you just don't notice it. They're like pets or children that you raise, you don't notice them getting bigger then one day ur like "FUCK ur huge" :lol: lol!!