Don't ever give up on old seeds!

Between 15 Year old and 20+ or something i still have a large collection of bagseed from back in the day still germs not bad at all some of its mine from bud i liked some has been given to me by older friends/family only some is labled alot is mixed up so who really knows when you pop one outta that lot and these have just been stored in a drawer in a cool dark dry place no special storage or nothing i think seeds can stay viable longer than most realise unless there exposed to extreme heat or moisture or something
I have a huge jar of seeds from a grower long gone, at least 20+ yrs old. Sometimes seeds just been through something and won’t come back. They look fine, anybody in nor cal want to try hit me up. Name a method I tried it
Other person seeds given to thinks they are from the 90’s, was hoping for some skunk but can’t get anything to pop
Wonder if they've ever tried to bring back ancient cannabis seeds found in China?
People have brought back chinese weed(yunnan) but it isnt from ancient stock as in old seeds they aint super potent tho ace and a few others sold it for a bit
That's what I meant when I said ancient I wasn't referring to lineage. I meant seeds from 10 bc
Tbh i struggling to find a legit age for the oldest weed seeds ever popped i had a look but 99% of links take you to other plants i wonder what age the oldest cannabis seed to date thats been resurrected is it be cool to find out