Donald Trump's Tax Plan "Not in the universe of the realistic"


Well-Known Member
"Some political commentators like to describe fanciful proposals they view as wildly unrealistic as "puppies and rainbows" plans. Here's the New York Times's Josh Barro doing so about Marco Rubio's position on tax cuts.

But if Rubio's tax plan is "puppies and rainbows," then Donald Trump's may be best described as "unicorns and time portals." It's so far beyond the plausible that science fiction, rather than children's literature, feels like the right genre for capturing its essence.

"It's not even in the universe of the realistic," said Goldwein.

Here are a few ways of thinking about just how massive Trump's proposed tax cuts are:

  • The projected US deficit for the next 10 years is $9.4 trillion. Passing Donald Trump’s $9.5 trillion tax cuts would more than double that total.

  • The federal government is expected to bring in about $21 trillion in individual income taxes over the next 10 years. Trump’s cuts amount to a 45 percent reduction from that projection.

  • Trump's proposed tax cuts amount to about 80 percent of the total budget for Social Security, the federal government’s largest program.

  • America's defense budget — which funds the Army, Navy, Air Force, etc. — costs a little more than $6 trillion. In other words, you could completely dissolve the entire American military and still only be two-thirds of the way to Donald Trump's proposed tax cut.

But it's not just that Trump wants the biggest tax cut of any of the three candidates. It's that he's also promised to maintain funding for entitlements while increasing spending on the military. There's just no way to reconcile all that. Taken together, even the most sympathetic reading of Trump's plan dissolves into incoherence.

This does help explain, though, why Trump is so intent on having Mexico pay for the border wall — under his administration, America almost certainly couldn't afford it."

"He's gonna close loopholes"...

Looks like Trump is the one offering up all the "free shit" pandering to right-wing retards who don't own a caluculator
"Some political commentators like to describe fanciful proposals they view as wildly unrealistic as "puppies and rainbows" plans. Here's the New York Times's Josh Barro doing so about Marco Rubio's position on tax cuts.

But if Rubio's tax plan is "puppies and rainbows," then Donald Trump's may be best described as "unicorns and time portals." It's so far beyond the plausible that science fiction, rather than children's literature, feels like the right genre for capturing its essence.

"It's not even in the universe of the realistic," said Goldwein.

Here are a few ways of thinking about just how massive Trump's proposed tax cuts are:

  • The projected US deficit for the next 10 years is $9.4 trillion. Passing Donald Trump’s $9.5 trillion tax cuts would more than double that total.

  • The federal government is expected to bring in about $21 trillion in individual income taxes over the next 10 years. Trump’s cuts amount to a 45 percent reduction from that projection.

  • Trump's proposed tax cuts amount to about 80 percent of the total budget for Social Security, the federal government’s largest program.

  • America's defense budget — which funds the Army, Navy, Air Force, etc. — costs a little more than $6 trillion. In other words, you could completely dissolve the entire American military and still only be two-thirds of the way to Donald Trump's proposed tax cut.

But it's not just that Trump wants the biggest tax cut of any of the three candidates. It's that he's also promised to maintain funding for entitlements while increasing spending on the military. There's just no way to reconcile all that. Taken together, even the most sympathetic reading of Trump's plan dissolves into incoherence.

This does help explain, though, why Trump is so intent on having Mexico pay for the border wall — under his administration, America almost certainly couldn't afford it."

"He's gonna close loopholes"...

Looks like Trump is the one offering up all the "free shit" pandering to right-wing retards who don't own a caluculator

He said he was going to close loopholes. Those are the same loopholes you keep screaming about endlessly. At least acknowledge your position and his are the same on the issue.
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He said he was going to close loopholes. Those are the same loopholes you keep screaming about endlessly. At least acknowledge your position and his are the same on the issue.
Are you daft? There aren't enough loopholes in existence to make up for Trumptard's budget plan. You could eliminate the entire American military and you'd still have to make cuts to a ton of other programs

Does Trump support reinstating Glass-Steagall? Because if not, none of it would matter anyway
Are you daft? There aren't enough loopholes in existence to make up for Trumptard's budget plan. You could eliminate the entire American military and you'd still have to make cuts to a ton of other programs

Does Trump support reinstating Glass-Steagall? Because if not, none of it would matter anyway

If we had growth like your bernie buddy economist predicts then everything would be fine!!!
not in the usa but looking in and following Trump's shit is like watching an old Disney flick

boring on the threshold on entertaining,

but holding ones breathe knowing the last jerk that ran for the white house

and also something of a tv celebrity, and rumored to be the most corrupt

surpassing Nixon, that was Ronald Raygun

Trump(Drump name changed) suffers many mental issues disclosed on previous tv shows

this is very much the real weakness of this 'leader' and weakens the usa considerbly

are 'we' sharpening 'our' knives ..?

Republicans don't implement economic policies that grow the economy, they cut taxes that benefit the rich and expand the military and make the poor and middle-class foot the bill

Was Kennedy a Republican? He cut taxes and it was wildly sucessful. So did Regan. Also, Trump is talking about bringing trillions back that is in overseas accounts. That would be a great boost to the economy.
Was Kennedy a Republican? He cut taxes and it was wildly sucessful. So did Regan. Also, Trump is talking about bringing trillions back that is in overseas accounts. That would be a great boost to the economy.
Reagan cut taxes? For Who?
Are you really out of your fucking mind? Reagan EXPLODED the national debt as well
Who the hell knows you got to get past what the government is going to pay its never been the governments job to pay but to collect taxes you pay remember that YOU PAY ,,
So with that said everyone is going to have to tighten there belts and get ready for that roller coaster ride and inflation adjustment that is long over due and again which the Government has been covering to keep prices down so you can afford things
truth is amercians have been living well beyond there means for 2 long and its like the reaper its time to chop chop the strong will survive and for many there gong to lose everything but again such i life only the strong survive
@Not GOP @nitro harley @2ANONYMOUS @shorelineOG @desert dude

How will Trump pay for anything if he plans on cutting nearly 50% of the revenue collected from income tax?

You will find out everything you need to know when TRUMP wins. Kinda like how we found out about all the goodies that were in Obamacare after the dems voted and jammed it down our throats, that by the way, just went bankrupt in Oregon. So relax and don't forget to vote. TRUMP!
Who the hell knows?
Jesus Christ, learn how to format/edit your post

"Who the hell knows?"...

Which is exactly what I expected. None of the idiots who support Trump know a goddamn thing about economics or how a basic budget is run, which is hilarious since all of them claim to be fiscally conservative..

All Trump supporters are is a big fucking joke that nobody in America takes seriously

"It's never been the governments job to pay but to collect taxes"

Are you retarded? Why do you think the government collects taxes? To pay for the things the American people want. That's the idea anyway. Do you think we pay taxes to placate some overlord?

You will find out everything you need to know when TRUMP wins.
"You'll find out when Trump wins!"

'Who knows?' ... 'Trump will tell you when he wins!'..

Could you imagine this shit justification for any democratic candidate?

"What's Bernie Sanders tax plan?"

"You'll find out when Sanders wins!"

"What's Clinton's tax plan?"

"We'll tell you when she wins!"


When you guys lose again, for the 3rd time in a row, and you blame the "liberal media", "low information voters", "single issue voters", women, minorities, millennials... I'm curious.. will you look in? Will you introspect? Or will you just keep blaming everyone else?

Are you retarded? Why do you think the government collects taxes? To pay for the things the American people want. That's the idea anyway. Do you think we pay taxes to placate some overlord?

The government collects taxes to provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and ensure the blessings of liberty. It is not to pay for things the American people want. If the American people suddenly all want Iphones is it the governments job to provide them?
Could you imagine this shit justification for any democratic candidate?


The dems wrote the play book for Trump! Back when the Dems passed the ACA I told you then that the democratic play book was pretty bad ass, and that it would come back to bite. Law makers didn't even read what they crammed down americas throat and you want to know details about TRUMP. Sorry about your luck, you will have to wait and see what all the goodies are that are coming if Trump wins. Its that simple. TRUMP!