Donald Trump hosting Republican Debate


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The freaking circus continues....

Thanks, but no thanks, Donald.
Two Republican contenders for the White House say they find the idea of reality TV star Donald Trump hosting a Republican primary debate absurd.
The event has the GOP party chairman dodging questions on whether candidates should show up for the circus.
Republican candidate Rep. Ron Paul called Trump’s invite “clown-like” and said he couldn't understand why Republicans continue to take Trump seriously, or why so many candidates trekked one-by-one to New York trying to get his endorsement.
“I don’t quite understand the marching to his office," Paul said Sunday on CNN's “State of the Union.” “I didn't realize he had the ability to lay on hands and anoint people.”
Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman had no use either for Trump as the moderator of a Trump/Newsmax debate in Iowa.
Front-runner Newt Gingrich — who has his own reputation as a showboater — is so far the only public acceptance for the event.
“I would want to go just for the entertainment value,” Gingrich said, according to Forbes. “I can’t imagine what a debate hosted by Donald Trump would be like.”
Neither, apparently, can Republican party chairman Reince Priebus, who wouldn't endorse the idea of a Trunp-led debate.
“I think these are programs that each of these candidates have to decide for themselves,” Priebus said Sunday on NBC's “Meet the Press.”
“There is strategy involved, whether competing or not competing.”

It will be newt and trump sitting boodle to boodle by the fireplace..smoking cigars in robes.. over caviar while being fed grapes acting all smug just laughing at how dumb everyone else is. This will be absolutely disgusting if it happens.

Sort of like from futurerama, Bender and the Super Robot club or whatever. "KILL ALL HUMANS"
It will be newt and trump sitting boodle to boodle by the fireplace..smoking cigars in robes.. over caviar while being fed grapes acting all smug just laughing at how dumb everyone else is. This will be absolutely disgusting if it happens.

Sort of like from futurerama, Bender and the Super Robot club or whatever. "KILL ALL HUMANS"

Exactly. Did you hear about Newt/Trump children workers program? Trump says he will endorse a candidate after the debate. I say save it, we all already know who you are endorsing.

Listening to Thom Hartmann today and in his good bad and ugly segment he mentions Jon Huntsman refusing to join that debate. Whole time I'm thinking "WTF! Where is Ron Paul?" He then went on to talk about the partial audit of the fed and how great of a guy Bernie Sanders is for doing it. Again, I'm thinking "Woah, aren't we missing someone here?"

Sad.... Thom Hartmann is trying to keep that god for saken name out of the ears of democrats.
Actually, he is promoting a new book. As is Gingrich. It's that simple. They are using the publicity to sell product and the media is eating that shit up. I would rather stick a fire ant laden tampon up my assole than watch this farce. Rich people playing grownup at the expense of an entire nation. I can't believe I'm living through the worst era in American history. My big concern is, will America survive it?
Good forbes article

Donald Trump and Newsmax are hosting a debate in Iowa in the run-up to next month’s primary season, but both Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman have turned down the reality TV show star’s offer. Presumptive GOP front-runner Newt Gingrich said he will attend the debate, however, and after a meeting with Trump has come to his future moderator’s defense against the comments made by the Paul campaign:
After a nearly hour-long meeting at Trump Tower, Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich emerged for a joint news conference, during which the former House speaker defended The Donald from slams from Ron Paul that Trump moderating a debate would create a “circus” atmosphere.
“I’m actually very surprised that one of my friends would have said that,” Gingrich said, noting that an actor who appeared with a chimp (Ronald Reagan) became president, as well as a former preanut farmer. “This is a country of enormously wide-open talent. You know, Donald Trump is a great showman. He’s also a great businessman. … I think that we have to be open to new ways of doing things and new ways of approaching things.”
He added, “I thought it was great when he agreed to do it. … It’s part of the process by which Americans (choose).”​

Yes let's repeal those child labor laws and get children working again. I mean, we didn't have enough mangled children caught up in machinery or entire factories burn down with the children inside or some shit like that. Those little bastards need to grow up and realize that their only purpose in life is to serve rich people. Yep.
Yes let's repeal those child labor laws and get children working again. I mean, we didn't have enough mangled children caught up in machinery or entire factories burn down with the children inside or some shit like that. Those little bastards need to grow up and realize that their only purpose in life is to serve rich people. Yep.

Exactly. Let's use schools to further indoctrinate kids into the philosophy of working for the man by making the kids do labor.
I think newt will lose many voters if trump endorses him.

The only people that actually like trump are the ones who watch apprentice.
However they still think he is a egotistical boaster that went bankrupt many times with his daddy's money before he finally created a sucsseful companey.