Doing some shrooms....

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah-it has been almost 1 and a half week 4 m last shroom tripp.all went well the last time.we were tripping near this beautiful lake and forrest.
So, tomorrow is the day, actually the day has already started where i live and i really should go to sleep, but oh doing some shrooms soon and the planning to go on a forrest trip again, cas i love being in the wild when tripping.we are also smoking some bud too, but im thinking we should smoke when the tripp is in the half way.
so all you shroomers-good luck do you all.
whats your favorite place to tripp????

stay safe ya all....:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you had a nice place to trip last time. Shrooms are great for the summer. I think the best time I had on shrooms was when I went picking with this dude I know. It was a lot of fun, despite it being 5 in the morning and having to beat the cows to them.
Have fun with your next trip, and if you're gonna smoke buds, pre-roll those badboys as I've never been able to roll after hitting the second level.


Active Member
I hate mushrooms! with a passion the last time I did them I couldn't wait for it to be over I saw weird colours and stuff that wasn't there which I didn't like very much!!


Active Member
I get extremely claustrophobic on shrooms. I have to be outside, preferably in nature. That's one of the few things that's nice about living in northern Michigan. Great hiking trails and beautiful crystal clear lakes. There's nothing better than swinging on a rope out to the middle of the lake like Tarzan and flying into the water. Definately put that on your Bucket List!


Well-Known Member
I hate mushrooms! with a passion the last time I did them I couldn't wait for it to be over I saw weird colours and stuff that wasn't there which I didn't like very much!!

Uh? thats what mushrooms are suppose to do (aka: hallucinogen)

grow space

Well-Known Member
being in the great nature while tripping is the best:) watch how trees breath, how grasslands dance-oh yeah....


Active Member
I know that, I know what shrooms do' I was just saying I don't like them, not to mention they taste really bad, and you have to crunch em up pretty good, I just think they're disgusting YUK can't stand them, I'd rather do ACID or Ecstacy where I know I'm not putting shit in my mouth(tasting like SHIT!!!)(grown in SHIT!!!!!)


Active Member
hey AKREVO47 your grow looks really good I hope they taste as good as they look
I've always wanted to grow super silver haze, whats it like???

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I've done LSD, Mesculine gel tabs, mesculine micro dots, and mushrooms. The shrooms temporarily improved my eyesight dramatically. We were on the Brooklyn side of the Verrazano Bridge at night, trippin and laughing. Now I've always had to squint to see what everybody else has no problem seeing and I don't like contacts or glasses. Anyway, we're trippin balls and I find myself looking across the water at Staten Island at night mind you and was able see everything perfectly. To confirm this I had a couple of my friends come and look across and describe what they saw. I was right and they were amazed because everybody knows that I am nearsighted. That whole night was one of the all time best experiences ever.


Well-Known Member
I know that, I know what shrooms do' I was just saying I don't like them, not to mention they taste really bad, and you have to crunch em up pretty good, I just think they're disgusting YUK can't stand them, I'd rather do ACID or Ecstacy where I know I'm not putting shit in my mouth(tasting like SHIT!!!)(grown in SHIT!!!!!)
What shrooms have you been eating? They sound horrible and sound like they are picked from the wild.

Every mushrooms I have ever grown tastes like dry popcorn to me and to everyone I have given them to.

I don't agree with LSD or MDMA being better than mushrooms. LSD is to rare and expensive where I am and the quality is something like 50uc - 70uc. Acid is shit if it's not at least 100uc. And MDMA is only good when pure. I hate the street cuts. Ruins the entire high to me. Once you have a good substance and then go to street substances, you hate the quality and it never feels the same.


man no matter how hard I try I can't get shrooms, I've got all these connects but they always fall through once I'm ready to buy. I want to trip!! : /


Well-Known Member
Grow your own. I got tired of paying $40 an 8th and $150 an oz. I grow my own, only eat the aborts and sell the rest at a cheaper price.


Well-Known Member
Any good spots to order spores and kits my dude?
I normally order from $10 syringes and they are pretty bomb quality. Sent from within the US and I got mine in the mail all of 3 days after payment.

ive always been scared of eating aborts...No real reason why but how weird they look with those nasty black caps. i feel like if i eat them ill get poisoned...:roll:

Cap K:
You are suppose to eat the aborts ASAP. They mold rather quickly and then they become bad. If you eat the aborts fresh, they are amazing. Feels better and more potent than eating dry shrooms IMO.