Doing it proper

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
What's going on green thumbs? My name is . . . well, scrotie mcboogerballs (lmao) i'm 23 years old and live in the mountains in CO. I've been hitting this site up quite awhile for great info on some off beat how to grow stuff and once I got my shit together, decided to become a formal member. This will be my first legit grow, which i will be fully journaling and am super stoked to be able to do it with this communities support. Although it's my first grow, i've been around more grows than prob a lot of veterans on this sight and still know what's what. I am a MMJ patient and provider but no longer smoke bud. I was smoking a couple of grams of budda/day and decided that it was time for a hiatus. I can say that marijuana does not make me a productive person. But, like I said before I am a caregiver for a lot of great ppl that i have witnessed with my own eyes it's beneficial power. Some ppl take to it, others take to something different. I hope that you guys are all having a GREAT friday and hope to talk to you soon.


Welcome Scrotie!

I am also not a regular smoker, I can only do it when all my work is caught up and I have the day off to enjoy doing nothing. As a caregiver I have learned a lot on this forum that has improved the quality of life for desrving people.

Here's to the power or the plant!!!