
Active Member
HElo guys,,, my stupid dog just ate my plant,,bad scenes,,,but i was able 2 get hold of sum branches,so i wana clone them now ,but the prob. is that i dunt hav ne "root hormones" on me ,,n i guess v dun even get it down here in inda,,,so it possible that theyl grow roots if i jus keep em in water??? ThanX!!!

_______________PEACE____________BOOmSHANkAr!! :peace:
i'm not sure where you are but can you get willow tree branches?

Willow water contains a hormone that helps plants root.To make willow water any species willow will work.
Collect young willow branches and cut them into small pieces. It will take 3 or 4 small branches to make a gallon of willow water. Add the pieces to a gallon of water and over very LOW heat, heat for 10-12 hours. DO NOT BOIL. Let cool and bottle. Be sure to mark the container so no one will drink it by accident. To use, put cuttings in a glass or jar and cover the ends with the willow water overnight. Stick cuttings in your normal way after removing from the water.

you can also make the willow water by smashing the branches and soaking it in the water for a couple days.....

Definition of willow water