Does your dog like fresh pot leaves?

So I'm kind of curious if this is a common thing among dogs. My dog loves to eat fresh pot leaves. Not so much the large fan leaves, but the more tender smaller leaves around the buds he loves. I don't mind at all because these leaves are just trimmed off anyways. I keep the trimmings that have trichromes for making hash or butter, and my dog gets all the rest.

My old housemate's dog was the same way. He loved harvest time almost as much as me because I'd give him the scraps.

My dog won't eat bud that's sitting out (tho i've never tried to actually feed my dog bud), or eat leaves off growing plants, but he'll sit next to me all through a harvest eating scraps. Anyone else have a dog that likes leaves?


Well-Known Member
DOG? Shit, did he say dog?

EDIT: No cats were actually stoned
during the making of this post.


Well-Known Member
Our dog just likes the cookies from the local club. She snatched one off the table once and was out for three days.


Mine also, she doesn't like lettuce, spinach or most other leafy veggies, but she loves those doobie-snacks! Actually, we just give her leaves, which are not very psychoactive, but which have a lot of great Phytonutrients, vitamins and other great things.
We do find that it made her flight on planes more enjoyable for her,
Screen shot 2012-02-17 at 1.54.30 PM.png
and she always sleeps well
.Screen shot 2012-02-17 at 1.54.18 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Pet rats are rather keen on them too. The trim from harvest seems to be their favourite (and the seeds if sensi doesn't quite happen). Me love me little Rasta ratties! :-)


New Member
One of our cats loves dried leaves. He wont eat fresh ones. Our other cat couldnt care less about some pot leaves.

Sucks trying to keep fur out of the bud eventho I try to never let them go into the grow area. Any tips for that?


Well-Known Member
My cat and my dog both graze on the greens. The dog is cool and waits for trim. The cat teases death by eating from my living plants.


Active Member
My cat is in love with the leaves and plant! Its crazy, she'll eat all cuttings,fallen dead leaves, and she likes the buds. Ever since she was a kitten, she laid n slept in the grow room lol you'd think she was a bud watch cat or something. But one thing I can say, she never injured any of my plants except for the one time I guess she was high and running around, she tried to jump over a 2 1/2 ft tree lmao

MI Dude

Mine loves ABV and I thought he was going to die. He knocked over several grams of spent vape weed last month, and before I could get the vac he had ate it. About an hour or so my wife came in the house screaming that the dog was having a seizure. BTW This was the worst experience in my entire life with marijuana. He was very ill and shaking, could not walk or even stand up. He spent about two days in my bed shaking in my arms. I learned a very valuable lesson. Keep the pets away! Fun is fun, but that was not fun. Be careful! Kinda dumb to get busted for playing with your pet. The weed may not be toxic, but accidents are.


Sector 5 Moderator
i don't think we're supposed to be talking about giving our beloved pets, drugs!
Drugs??? Who is giving pets "drugs"?? We're not talking about force-feeding Oxycodone to them; their nose lets them know that cannabis is good for them. If you think cannabis is a drug, or is somehow harmful, then maybe this is not the right forum for you. Cannabis is proven to be the safest substance on the planet - much safer than dog food, doggie treats, or chew toys.

And yes, my little dog used to love eating the fan leaves. She was never in the room when I was trimming and she didn't have access to my flowering room.