Does Weed Make Running Harder?


Active Member
Just wondering what you guys think. I just started an intense gym course at my school with tons of running. Do you think smoking weed... say once every 2-3 days would make me run out of breath quicker during these runs?


Well-Known Member
i play a competitive sport 3-4 times a week and i smoke couple times a week i just find it takes more energy out of you


Well-Known Member
yeah smokeing use to make me not wanna run...ha

but lately i actually been smokeing dureing a workout....and its been makeing me workout harder cause i'm not board mentally.....and you don't care about the pain in your legs as much......just me though.....guess it depends on your mental control......


Active Member
I blaze a couple times a day and i play competitive hockey.I have a course similar to yours with a lot of circuit training after a while your stamina will build if you haven't run in a while you'll be hurting for the first bit its not so bad tho.


Well-Known Member
yes i used to play football and basketball years ago. now i lay on the couch all day and wrestle my dog and then get worn out and take a 6 hour nap.


In the early eighties in college I knew many Olympic atheletes, mostly swimmers and track stars. Some of them even Gold Medal winners, and they smoked weed before working out.
I think that most people get lazy after smoking because that is what they are used to doing when smoking. It is a simple fact of habit not cause.
I used to do a lot of manual labor, landscaping and carpentry and I would often smoke when I was feeling tired. I would get a boost, maybe this is from smoking and running all the time. Of course, too much smoking definitely will make the lungs a little less clear. So eat a brownie and go run over a mountain. You'll love it.

Also a little point and fact. THC activated rubbing alcohol is the ultimate for sore or strained muscles. This is one incredible cannibas medicine that is still off the radar. If you use enough of it you will get an amazing body high, with not head buzz and it won't tax your liver at all because of how you intake it through the skin.:clap:


I forgot to add. I know for a fact that Woody Harrelson likes to smoke weed and do yoga all the time. And I am not talking pussy yoga, I am talking the kind that is a serious workout.


Well-Known Member
Michael Phelps was caught on camera smoking weed FWIW. So I'm guessing it doesn't slow you down too much! LOL! But seriously, I like to vape a few rips and run on my treadmill. Makes it more interesting and the time flies by faster. With headphones and loud music, the weed helps make it a much more pleasurable experience. Otherwise you're just a hamster on the wheel!