Does VPD vary for different plants?


It seems like VPD is a calculation of a lot of things that are not related directly to the plant, but to the environment. And then another step for context, adjusting for the difference between room temp and plant leaf temp.

But the variable part seems to me the charts that say "here is the ideal range, less than ideal, poor," and this varies by the three main stages of growth.

So is it the same for cannabis as it is for peppers, tomatoes, alliums, basil, etc.? Does every different plant vary (enough to matter), or every different 'category' of plant (and what would that be if so)?

Someone I read online said that weed requires about twice the nutrients during fruiting as tomatoes, or something like that. That alone seems like it suggests a real difference between them.

I keep seeing a chart on the internet, clearly targeting cannabis. I can't seem to figure out if my food plants differ or find any kind of chart on how, if so. I waded through some of the most boring white papers I've ever read in my life, but the ones I found never spelled that out either.

I found this image about a CO2 diff between the plants. But I don't find anything about VPD. Just people acting like "the chart for VPD" was one thing, as if universally applicable.


Cookie Rider

Well-Known Member
I try to follow this, within reason.
Mold prone strains I go w less humidity than the chart.
I mostly use it to push veg growth.
But to address your question:
I don't know...results never really mattered w the veggie garden and the different crops we grow for fun.
I found this chart to be very usefull.


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