Does this sound like it will work??


Well-Known Member
4x4 1000w 81 clones SOG FF soil AN nutes

5" square pots 6" tall (81 total) 9x9
I plan on placing the pots on top of something similar to the fridge racks, where they can drain onto something I can empty after every watering..

5 days veg - 12/12 with lollipop technique.

Small fan blowing on all 81 plants

Does this sound like it should work? Should I be worried about heat?


Well-Known Member
i wouldbe as worriedabout humidity asi was heat.
when you do a sog with plants packed in that tight the humidity can get out of hand and cause mold.
get a good air cooled hood and a good ventilation fan and you may want to look into a sulpher pot to keep "white powdery mildew" under control if your humidity does get too high.
and 81 plants in 8 sqft is a lot too much sog usually goes 4 per sqft max which would be 32 plants i like to keep my 4x4 at 5 row of 5 which works out to just over 3 plants per sqft and its tight


Well-Known Member
Hi ! Thank you very much for the response.

why do you believe that is to much? Here is 36 plants in 30"x30" , well , kinda. Maybe I should shoot for 64 plants? 8x8
Excuse my non-educated pot-growing-self. Just looking for some help and some REALLY good bud :)


Well-Known Member
What are you using for a hood? Is it aircooled? You dont really have to have a bucket with a rack, its a good idea, but probably a waste of time. Just put the plants IN the try, and use the extra space.

4 per SqFt is 64 plants, its manageable, but that is a lot. They are going to get packed tight depending on the growing style, and under the 1000w light they are gonna get big fast. Depending on the strain, the small pots could become an issue.

Are you worried about odor? Cooling and humidity is a MAJOR factor, everyone always overlooks environment, but it can increase yields a lot.

You going to need an AC or else a cold air intake for the winter (AC will be required in the summer)

Humidity is important, especially on tight SOG grows. Make sure you get air moving above and bellow your canopy, and its a good idea to have an inch or two between the pots for airflow to the roots.

Your on the right track, but you should start looking into environment, air flow, cooling, odor. You literally need to take control of the airflow in the room.

Like at my place, every time I open my grow room door air Only rushes Into the grow room, never out. I keep a slightly low pressure in the grow room so theres never odor leaks. The low pressure also gives me the option of bringing in fresh air at any time without fans, I can simply open the window and air comes rushing in.

Yeah depending on the strain your growing, I would at least start with 1 gal pots, see how they handle them. I seriously suggest taking out a tape measure and laying out your grow area, lay out some empty pots to get a better idea of just how big it really is. Things always seem a lot smaller in your mind once you start laying stuff out you can really get a hood idea of whats going to work for you.



Well-Known Member
THanks for the response BC!

I was planning on using an air-cooled light with a vented hood with a carbon filter attached at the end to get rid of the odor problem.

Basically I was worried about the layout, which I think I have got done now, and now im going to focus more on heat/humidity.

Im in cali near the beach where its not very humid at all. Nice cool breeze all day long. Avg temp. around here is about 75 degrees.

What would be the proper way to cool this bad boy down without air conditioning?

This is the complete grow light setup I planned on getting


Well-Known Member
Carbon filter will be a great idea. Looks like a 6 inch flange size on the hood, that hood would work great.

So you will need a 6 inch centrifugal fan to pull air through the light and filter.

Make sure its a blower fannn.jpG

Not a booster
booster fan.jpg

The booster fans are only rated for moving air and have to real pulling power.

You might not want to hear it, but your gonna need a portable AC to manage temps in the room, its gonna get hot with the 1000w running 18 or 12 hours a day. 1000w HPS light with aircooled hood is Literally a big heater.

Its kinda shitty, but I run my tent all day creating shit loads of heat, and I run the AC all day to manage the heat....the end results are worth it tho, power is way cheaper then good chronic.



Well-Known Member
Now thats what im talkin about!
On the opposite end of the one pulling air out, am I looking for a passive intake system??

Portable AC I almost forgot about. Geez im dumb. I see deals on them at Home Depot all day long.

Damn this is coming a lot better then I expected..I actually have great hope.

I found some 5x5x6.5" pots (I believe thats over a gallon) that im going to buy for .75c a piece.

I want to cram as many clones as possible into this thing w/ barely any veg time so I can lollipop them like in the picture above. @ 1/2 oz per plant, each row will make a big difference.

I figured if I can fit 64 plants in there @ 1/2 a piece that's 32 oz's. I would like to get more then 64 in a 4x4 area with 5" pots.

:) thanks for the help, keep the suggestions coming!! :)


Well-Known Member
More pots doesnt mean more product. Dont forget, theres also a lot more stems with more plants. In any situation its just about making maximum use of the light.

64 of the 5" pots should be good, that way you can space them out a bit for airflow. 32 ounces is 2lbs, which is definitely in the upper elite of growers. Not a lot of people achieve 2 lbs per light, but its not hard if you plan it right. 64 plants at half O a plant is a great goal. I veg a little longer to just over 2 feet, 32 plants, I shoot for 2 ounces per plant.

I prefer passive intake, that way when I check on my plants, which I do a lot, I never really have to worry about the tent being fully zipped up, air leaks are good for me they just increase my intake airflow.

Yeah portable A/Cs are the shit. Get a portable AC/dehumidifier and you will be set, they will be cheap now cause its off season.

I run a 7000BTU portable AC, you can duct it out a window or sliding door which is great because it keeps a nice low pressure in the grow room.



Well-Known Member
More pots does not mean more product but more plants does. :D jk jk. I know what you are saying, but I assumed if I can fit 8 extra lollipops in there without mold, why wouldnt I? I can't see Lollipops taking up the lighting as you can tell in those pictures the leaves dont really cover the bud sites. Maybe I am wrong.

Here is the A/C i am going to puchase.

900w + 1000w hps = Electricity Bill. I am assuming the 900w wont cost nearly as much as the light itself due to the little ammount of time it is running?

Your goal is great. My friend has an amazing grow-room in an extra room he has at his house with 2 1000w lights. He hopes to achieve the same goal you have. I was just assuming with as little space as I have, this would be the most ideal way to put plants in there.

I will not be vegging any more then a couple days. The plants in the picture I believe were rooted and put directly into flower.

I noticed the larger clones in the picture here (Note the one in the FARTHEST corner)

have a lot more bud production in the picture here (again, note the one in the farthest corner)


Overall, I think this is coming along rather nicely.


Well-Known Member
The AC would be perfect. Usually 2 reasons why the sides and corners get bigger, 1. they are right beside the intake, 2. they are stretching, usually a bit of both. The corner of my tent grows monsters, I switch it up every couple days. Plants directly under the light stop growing up cause its so bright and warm, they bush out fast tho during veg.

I dunno how much your power cost, average monthly cost for a 1000w is 10-20$ a month. So its not a massive difference.



Well-Known Member
Thats it?? :D :D You got me smiling now.

Thanks for all your help BCtrippin ill be following your grow.

( I still need to decide how many plants to put in there lol )


Well-Known Member
After going outside in my garage today I found a dilema.
Its going to be a little hard to water plants 4 feet deep.
So I was wondering if I could keep it at 3 feet deep, and change the width to 5 feet, making watering and plant care easier.