does this sound good? cfls to hps


Active Member
6 plants closet grow

spouting - cfls 18/6
vegg growth - cfls 18/6
vegg growth - 400w hps 18/6 (light 3ft able plants
flowering - 400w hps 12/12


Well-Known Member
yeah. sounds awesome. are u growing them in dirt? if u dont know, search around and read about dwc (deep water culture) there are some links on this site, and this other site has a link to how someone built theirs, i dont remember it tho. someone might.

if u dont already know about it, its basically growing a plant in a bucket of water, with an air-stone bubbling the water, and u change the water like every 10 days. 6 plants, 6 buckets, a lot of weed.

good luck

chek this 1st