does this look ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
looks pretty done to me or damn close. Density kinda peaks before the last week anyway so leaving them in longer wont do much for ya. Theyre mostly workin on resin production which yours looks like its reachings its peak.

You can notice the trichs are alot less shiny than a few weeks ago.

Thats how i can always tell my plants are getting close to done. When i take a picture and the trichs dont reflect as much as they used to.


Well-Known Member
Snip a nug off and cut it up and set a fan on it to dry and a couple days you can try it. Gives ya a Idea were its at I always do it. And ya its damn close


Well-Known Member
Looks done to me but i'm no professional. Best option was already stated, get a scope and zoom in on the trich's. Gratz bro, buds look good.


Active Member
Yeah it's through the secondary growth period where it bursts out new calyxes so it looks way done. Now it's just trichome ripeness and I bet if you got a picture, you're about 20% amber and it's ready to go. Chop her!


They look exactly like my mine that i chopped this morning. Under the microscope top cola showed about 20-30% Amber. Although nugs at the bottom showed less Amber. Without the microscope and looking from a distance the plants look frosty white and its impossible to spot amber. The only way to be sure is get a way to view them trich's.