does this look like nute burn? pix


Well-Known Member
Just give her a fresh flush and equalize the ph to 6-6.5

The problems look minuscule.- great looking plant.

It could be slight phosphorus deficiency. Just add a small amount of bone meal...

Any plans on flowering?


Active Member
Just give her a fresh flush and equalize the ph to 6-6.5

The problems look minuscule.- great looking plant.
the soil ph is a tad bit over 6.5

my main concern is its kind of shrimpy compared to my other plants

I got an electronic soil tester, is that ok to use on regular water?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure it will give off any different result.

Should be minuscule >.<


If your ph is over 6.5 it should get some phosphorus though.

Keep it at 6.5 if thats what youve bin doing those dont look like problems tbh.

Beauties you got there ;D

Also , nice setup with those huge pots there.

Those plants could flower now and give off loaaaddss ;D


Active Member

on this one I would cut the node(set of branches on each side right) thats right above the top of the bucket right?

now im second doubting myself :smokin:

this is the stretched out one..
not too sure where to cut it

Also, some of the other plants started showing the yellow tips too and some had purlish looking stems(not the main stem, the ones connected to the leaf)

Soil Ph: 6.7-6.8 the water Is about the same and tap water is 6.5

ex of purple stems

the stem in the bg

this happened only on one node

and finallly, a good shot of the purpling
