Does this look like heat stress?


Well-Known Member
My 300w cfl was about 4" from the plant , i`ve now raised it to about 7". The temp in the tent has risen a lot today as i added a second 300w cfl , I have had to open the front of the tent slightly as the temps rose to 92 degrees. The humidty is 32%. It has been really hot today though , the room the tent is in was 29 degrees. Oxypot water temp stayed between 70 and 73 degrees(mainly 72)

So as the title really , does this look like heat stress or could it be something else?20140703_195130.jpg 20140703_200523.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks perfectly fine to me.A bit pale but nothing to worry about just make sure u keep them temps under control mate.


Well-Known Member
Im with Greenhouse, the leaves are a little twisty/tacoed but overall the plant looks good. Your CFL should be able to stay close to the plant; keep it as close to your girl as you could keep it to your own hand without discomfort.

The tent temperatures are worrisome though, do your best to keep it in the mid 80s! Once you get up in the 90s you can start to have problems.


Well-Known Member
Hi greenhouse;save.....we differ again lol..... when your leaves canoe/taco or start twisting, its because they are trying to avoid the heat and transpire (sweat) out what heat it has..... if you raise your humidity to 60% - 65% it helps the plant cope with the excessive temps. i have 28C - 30C in my one tent most days so i ramp up the humidity and they seem to be ok... just remember that excessive heat can slow down the growth of your plant. 25C & 60% RH is optimal for photosynthesis but keeping it steady at 25C is tough.....

oh try not to photograph your power sockets this can give away your geographical location


Well-Known Member
Isn't that wot I said his temps were a bit high?sorry oilmaker but that's the most ludicrous thing I've herd for a while photos of ur plugs can get u caught.I'm not being awkward just find that hard to believe!!


Well-Known Member
Ur right Oilmaker said.your lvedges are turning up too catch all the water they can, I used 2x200W(real watts), giant pineapple shapedCFL's when I started, and found that 4" is about as close as I could get them to the bulbs.....try and work your heat down, and in my advice, don't ever add more light if it has negative effects on successful grow....In other words....just run the one until you can get more fans, ac, whatever you are going to use too cool the 2 large CFL's. 300W? Does that mean we are talking about actual watts? How many actual watts.....?? Cheers! and Good luck! :)
This looks like 100% heat stress too me.....mild.....and mind some point, one or two of my plants will do this during grow, and when I see, I will adjust accordingly.....Not a really big deal, but can accelerate! :) She may be able to handle a bit of Nitrogen as well....but not a real big

And got too explain that outlet call? Whats that about pal? :) Thanks! :)

PS..this may sound silly buddy....but I'm always safety first guy....and noticed you may want to raise any chord with power, above water line, or up higher in tent?.....:)
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Well-Known Member
ok you may thing im nutz (probably) i never said they'd get you caught, i said they can give you away geographically.......those are UK outlets yes ?? if i were growing somewhere that the criminal justice system penalized cultivators, i wouldnt give anything away, not even my power leads. they could be growing anywhere in the world but now we know its the UK and so do the brit police who monitor for activity on these do the feds and most law enforcement agencies..they'd be idiotic not too

im mega paranoid i know but as in all things i first
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Well-Known Member
Isn't that wot I said his temps were a bit high?sorry oilmaker but that's the most ludicrous thing I've herd for a while photos of ur plugs can get u caught.I'm not being awkward just find that hard to believe!!
Im referring to the RH, at that temp they will be fine IF you raise RH to 60 - 70 %

you say watch the temps, i say fuck the temps......fight it with humidity.....tents are a fucker to regulate temperature wise.

thats the differ i referred to


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your replies guys, i`ve had major probs in the last few days due to an unexpected family visit resulting in me having to turn off the intake and exhaust fans , and to top it all we had a mini heat wave my temps shot up to and stayed between 88 and 92 degrees for the last 48 hours. Not a good start. Anyways i`ve shifted them plugs outside the tent :) got my temps inside the tent back down to 82-83 degrees (this is the lowest i seem to beable to get them) , the rh is now a steady 50% , i can increase this if necessary, the water in the oxypot is down to 67 degrees, my ph is 6.0 and my ec meter is reading 103x10. I`m using vitalink max and following the schedule .
So 1. Does this still look like heat stress or nute burn? 2. If it is nute burn should i change20140706_121045.jpg 20140706_121122.jpg out the water and try and lower the ppm , when i did the last water change it was at 900ppm , that was 3 days ago, the water level has gone down. 3. Should i increase the humidity some more? 4 . Are my temps now ok ? and should i see an improvement in growth now?

the plugs were moved just after pics were taken this morning :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your replies guys, i`ve had major probs in the last few days due to an unexpected family visit resulting in me having to turn off the intake and exhaust fans , and to top it all we had a mini heat wave my temps shot up to and stayed between 88 and 92 degrees for the last 48 hours. Not a good start. Anyways i`ve shifted them plugs outside the tent :) got my temps inside the tent back down to 82-83 degrees (this is the lowest i seem to beable to get them) , the rh is now a steady 50% , i can increase this if necessary, the water in the oxypot is down to 67 degrees, my ph is 6.0 and my ec meter is reading 103x10. I`m using vitalink max and following the schedule .
So 1. Does this still look like heat stress or nute burn? 2. If it is nute burn should i changeView attachment 3196368 View attachment 3196369 out the water and try and lower the ppm , when i did the last water change it was at 900ppm , that was 3 days ago, the water level has gone down. 3. Should i increase the humidity some more? 4 . Are my temps now ok ? and should i see an improvement in growth now?

the plugs were moved just after pics were taken this morning :)
Hi bro...... yep defo nute burn.........and probably the stressed look is from heat and not up to date with hydro because i only grow in soil/coco.

good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Hi bro...... yep defo nute burn.........and probably the stressed look is from heat and not up to date with hydro because i only grow in soil/coco.

good luck bro
thx , im not sure as to whether i should just give them plain ph`d for a few days or wether it should settle now the heat is sorted :/


Well-Known Member
Yep their defo getting a bit of a rough ride mate your humidity is fine at 40-60 good as it gets but ur temp have got to b kept down I can't stress that enuff .oil maker I'm not argue in but how can u say temps don't matter as long humidity is ok both have to b kept in check or ur r defo going to get probs u don't need.HERMIE springs to mind.I should no cause I've been their done it and wouldn't like to go their again!!!!


Well-Known Member
My temps are now 82-83 degrees , should this be ok(i know ideally they should be below 80) , i cant seem to get them any lower , i even tried putting both 4" fans as exhaust fans but the temps stayed the same. the tent is only 1mx1mx2m. Should the 2 4" fans be enough?


Well-Known Member
humidty is 50% fans were rigged up intake and exhaust ,but i thought i would try both as exhaust , temps stayed the same, so at the moment they are still both exhaust.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't b a prob bud as long as ur still able to get plenty fresh air into ur room.that fan in ur pic is the same as mine I've got one intake and one exaust and a standard desktop blowing inside to keep the girls on the moving works for me.