Does this look like a nitrogen problem? PICS


Idk if you can see it but my dinafem white widow is having some problems with the leaves turning yellowish brown an getting dead spots on them, I thought it may have been a magnesium problem so I have it some also gave it potassium both organicly. Its only about a foot high into veg an I'm already having problems I don't want. This is the top leaf an idk if u can see it but there's a liter green spot forming!?!?! Any ideas on what's causing my plants leaves to get brown dead patches on the lower leaves an lite green patches at the top leaves?
this is the lower leaves, look close and u can see the brown spots. I just gave it couple different types of nitrogen maybe that's what's wrong?


Well-Known Member
My guess is you are on the right track with what looks like early stages of magnesium deficiency. You can dissolve 1/4-1/2 tsp epsom in hot water and add it to a quart of water then use it for a foliar spray and the plant will absorb it quicker than putting it in the soil.

The lower leaves getting dead brown patches could be they got splashed with some nutes and got burnt or maybe they aren't getting enough light and are naturally dieing off as the plant determines they are not needed. I wouldn't get too worried about the brown you are seeing at this point.

Try the foliar spray or pick up some Calmag.


Also I used kindeny beans for my magnesium source. About 1 cup equals 70mg of magnesium. I used a blender an blened about 6 cups up an put it throughout my plants. I couldn't put much in my problem plant bc its still kinda small.


Well-Known Member
I have read about people using alternative sources of nutrients. What I read was about brown rice (never heard of kidney beans), can't remember the nutrient benefit but I do remember that keeping the medium dry most of the time was very important to suppress the formation of fungus and mold. Let them dry out, and next time just add some epsom salt to the soil mix.