Does this look like a light pollution issue to anyone else?


Hello, these plants are starting week 4 of flower and all of a sudden I see little leaves poking out of some of the bud sites. The last time I saw this it was because I accidentally jacked up a timer and the lights were popping on in the middle of the dark cycle for an hour. The plants then started sort of re vegging (stalks started growing up out of the top flower sites) but kept growing flowers, which pretty much ruined the round. I'm running Solistek Matrix ballasts with digital timers built in and I'm afraid that there may be some kind of malfunction making them pop on in the dark. Is that even possible? I might just have PTSD from this happening on a different set up. Anyone have any ideas? Every time I check them they seem to be on and off when they are supposed to be. 20161122_200447.jpg 20161122_200432.jpg 20161122_200414.jpg