Does the number of fingers per leaf mean anything?


Well-Known Member
One thing I have noticed, but never paid much attention to, is some of the early leaves tend to only have 3 or 5 fingers on them, but now I am getting more and more with 7.
I assume this is a good thing, the plant seems happy, and is growing fast.
Does the formation of the leaf actually indicate anything? Or is it just a trait of the strain?


New Member
the number of leaves increases as the plant matures.the fist leaves have 2 or 3 leaves and when the plant gets bigger you will notice 5 then 7 and so on.ive had a fan leaf with 13 blades on it b4! it was pretty dosnt indicate anything except your plant is getting older.


Active Member
I think that sativas are more prone to larger number of blades. probably due to the thin aspect of the blades themselves. The most I got was 9 on the girl that is finishing now.


Well-Known Member
I have had up to 11 fingers before. The amount of fingers does nothing. Keeping them green and healthy is the key.


Well-Known Member
Some strains have more but it indicates maturity to a degree. Watch em once you hit flower and they'll start going back down in numbers


Well-Known Member
In my experience, it's an indicator of the plants health and vigor. I've had healthy plants that have had 7+ leaves, and unhealthy/sick plants that would grow fewer. The same thing happened years ago, when I would re-veg a flowering plant. It would tend to grow 3 blades per leaf, even just one, until it straightened itself out.


Well-Known Member
i have heard one guy say that number of segments is affected by intensity of light. I am 99% sure that this is just nonsense. There are so many old wive's tales devised because for reason people like to sound knowledgeable.

Anyway, number of segments increases per node until it reaches a maximum, which is a genetic limit set by the strain.
I have seen some big plants with 3 segments. It did not have the easily identifiable cannabis look, and it could be a good option for people wanting to be sly


Well-Known Member
indicas has less fingers and tend to be fatter as opposed to the sativas have more fingers and tend to been thinner.


Well-Known Member
I recognize this, I was just curious, because my last Indica had a few here and there, with 7, and the one I am veging right now, has several with 7, and even a couple with 8.
It was more of a 'point of interest' question, not a 'worry' question.
Both of these that I mention, just happen to be more Indica'ish though.
They look different from each other, but I can't really say what they are since I am growing from bagseed.
I guess I just have a supplier that likes to experiment, because so far I have popped 4 seeds from stuff from one guy, and gotten 4 different looking plants.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Jillybean is very regular. The first leaf set is a single. Then a three, then a five, then sevens. I think I have a set or two with nine leaves now that they're in flowering and easing up on vertical growth. But most are sevens. This is sat/ind 60/40.


Active Member
I think that sativas are more prone to larger number of blades. probably due to the thin aspect of the blades themselves. The most I got was 9 on the girl that is finishing now.
13-14 on my nor cal gooey x kings banner seeds I coped 4 pa is from gooeybreeder like 2 years ago and been working the one since. Found my male. Just the F1s are all over the place but the one that looks the most like Mom gooey from my F3 seeds Is getting BX to F1 male that is absolute stud thick has amazing structure more of kings banner in structure but I never had a male smell so dank it’s nuts I’m start taking him and the f3 into my shed at 530 so they force flower and only seed the one plant. Makes sick hash so it not a lose at all but this seed stock was a 1 time limited run so I copped what I could afford. I had a clone of NCG I. 2004 it was a great indoor and outdoor plant put was ratted on by a bitch and I had to trash em. I’m still sick over this