does sugar add a sweeter taste?


Well-Known Member
My single HDF (heavy duty fruity) is still in veg i just like to plan ahead. Im lookin in anyway to give it a sweeter tase or a fuller one. So would adding sugar make it sweeter?
thanks in advance! bongsmilie


Sector 5 Moderator
Yes, it will make your nutes sweeter - but you won't be able to tell it in your plants because they do not uptake organic compounds. Some people swear by mole-asses. :)


Well-Known Member
molasses not only gives the soil some sugars, but trace elements to the plants as well. straight sugar will only benefit your soil slightly, but most likely just attract pests. molasses or sugar doesn't make your bud taste sweeter. it just helps feed your soil, which in turn helps your roots in a few different ways.


Well-Known Member
I ate one of my buds at harvest time. It was surprisingly tasty. No need to add sugar. Got me pretty baked too.
Haha... Nice.

Ten four homie'smolasses keeps the soil happy for my happy plants. I'll pick up a bag at my local headshop I'm sure they'll have it.


Well-Known Member
they sell it at the grocery store lol. if you can find a feed store near you, you can get it in gallon jugs for cheap