Does it kill?


Active Member
1500 ppm, they seem to be doing ok. Thanks for the reply. looks as if we have similar accounts huh? lots of reading lol


Active Member
bugs use very small amounts of air, you should be fine. if your not getting light headed in your grow room then the bugs wont be affected.


Well-Known Member
At concentrations of 3000ppms for several hours you can kill insects (mites etc) but you should air the room for a few hours afterwards before going in. Remember mite eggs won't be effected by this and a repeat treatment would be needed in 4-5 days.


Active Member
ladybugs flipin rock! i understand that they only work at the onset of a mite problem but thats what i got and thats what theyre doin! 7.49 for 1500 of em, i used about 200 maybe in my 7x7x7 room with 20 ten gal totes and theyre munchin away
If you're trying to fumigate the place, try SO2, sulfur dioxide. You can make it by burning sulfur in air, and itll asphyxiate pretty much anything (but hopefully not your plants). I read somewhere that gardeners used to use "sulfur candles" (ie tins of burning sulfur) to fumigate greenhouses

Fallen Buckshot

i know this is somewhat unrelated but does Neem kill ladybugs if the plants have been sprayed previously ?